Friday, May 22, 2020

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐰𝐚𝐲 / Poem

Since your-body death I found a different pathway leading through this garden,
The pathway of just letting go and being aware of the universe in flow,
Or rather it is the same that we walked together hand in hand of bright-loving-kindness,
An embodiment of our delight enrobed a while in these fleeting physical forms,
But now it seems even more luminous and liminal -

As your body has returned to the earth and your spirit awayward risen,
I have frequently fallen to torments of the heart because your loss precedes me unbidden,
For whilst in life we have been true love companions not of need but of a complimentary nature,
Yet now my heart is a frozen ocean across which the warmth of our love is shining,
To this homely, holy and sacred harbour I begin -

To awaken the light within I refocus to the expansive freedom of our love,
Thus overcoming the dark posession of despair as the heart's healing powers flow in,
And recognising where this moment diverges into trapped memories that trigger emotional pain,
I transmute them by loving acceptance into the light of unconditional awareness again and again,
By this upliftment I see your loves enduring presence remain,
And the golden cosmic energy is flowing from above -

A bright memory beckons to me now and gladly do I follow -
Walking through the fields of this world profuse with wild metaphor and vibrant flowers,
To the sparkling river with its rapids rushing to gush into the vastness of the greater sea beyond,
The river always speaks her mind to me but her liquid voice of splashing honey elludes,
As the sound within my mind of mighty winds roaring does my perception occlude,
Yet she teaches me to listen with her gently spoken etude -

Dancing daisies in the field meanwhile as dandelions silver and golden buttercups are bowing,
The cowslip's bob and the primrose's shine as both in bright yellow turn to smile for the sun,
Whilst the tallest of deep blue bells in a velvet iridiscence of its own splendid blueness is yearning,
Along with these the columbine and cornflower form a tapestry of beauty upon the earth growing,
Perfectly woven with love -

I can hardly see the emerald green of grasses glinting among the overflowing of joy,
As the flowers of hill and valley claim the day and in heavenly procession they tumble,
Like a medieval pageant of spiritual banners calling out the boundaries of the heart,
Their perfumes soft and subtle curl with whispers of  transformation around me and you,
And I look to you with wonder -

A sudden shrieking stabs into my heart a thorn with icy terror,
I am frozen into the moment and in a flash all my joy is seeping away,
Unable to breathe, unable to think or to move, petrified cold and blue,
For you are not in your body anymore and there is nothing I can do -

Yet not a soul moment has passed between us not even half a flicker -

With a life bursting gasp that finds me breathless where I have fallen,
Awoken by the energy of our love I am upward lifted on these spiritual currents,
Renewed with the realisation that you are within my heart and our love forever true,
That only by letting go of my hopes and fears will I enter the greater reality with you,
Every paradigm of my soul has shifted as I realise you are here in spirit because its what you want to do,
And a world of pure energy opened its eyes -

Your love tells my heart that you have so much more to show,
Of the heavenly realms and spheres of light and the celestial music divine,
Of the spiritual communities nurturing each other outside an infinity of time,
Of the beautiful light that is dancing and singing with such rapture of the eternally free,
Of uplifting the fallen that every soul to the heavenly home will assuredly be,
Of more wonder than I could begin with earthly eyes to see,
The spirit of love came through -

Awestruck to you I turn with the deepest rapture of glee -
All of the treasures in life that we have shared of our happiness, love and joy,
All of these are but preludes to the infinitude of love to which our pathway does lead,
And the earth energies about me swirling now are thick with pollens drifting as decreed,
As the knowing of our love fills the air and the terms of my body-life are shifting,
And the relief of our shared happiness restored is beyond the depths of starlight drifting,
This is the new reality dawning -

And the crows cawing loudly proclaim this love that all who have ears to hear may know it,
The kingfisher flashes his message along the river and the swans in perfect poise too,
The robins, chaffinch and little wrens tell the ants, bees and beetles without further ado,
And the tree creepers, blackbirds and fieldfare take news of this wonderful blessing further,
Whilst the white barn owl with his pipistrelle bats ensure our love illuminates the night,
For love is the gateway to the soul's eternal light -


art co andersson

Friday, May 1, 2020

𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐞 / Poem

I will follow our love wherever it leads,
Along every pathway, hill and mountain, over every rock, ocean and fountain,
That this planet in its staggering complexity could in millions of years conceive,
Through sapling green leaves golden at dusk and the paleness of lilac beyond dawn,
Under glowing aurora lights flowing overhead and sparkling night stars like flowers,
The sunset of your body-death unfathomable becomes the sunrise of your soul-life profound,
And I will follow our love wherever it leads beyond this world and forever -

I will unpick the mystery of mortality in life,
For our true selves are so much more than fleeting body-form,
Nor are we spiritualy confined within the physical measurements of time,
But by continually stepping outside of these into the flowing light which is our love energy,
I can learn to see through the open heart to your spirit which is free,
And although you ascended beatitudes beyond earthly mind knowing,
I will transpose my soul self from wherever this is to be with you,
My eternally wonderful wife -

Whilst you lived on the earth we embodied love's endless delight,
We danced under the sun in the morning and sang sacred songs at night,
Shinning brightly our evocations floated like sweet roses up to the heavens,
And our hearts became as one -

Whilst you lived on the earth our joys uplifted all of our days,
We knew only the tears of compassion and shared loves healing freely,
Celebrating natures wondrous dance with thanks for the blessings of this life,
We became actualised in love -

Yet suddenly for soul purposes you left your physical form behind you,
And in your spirit you have flown,
To the vistas of the non physical, the etheric and unknown -

In an abject amazement of displacement my heart staggers with dismay,
I am torn apart between a spiritual quest to be with you,
And finding reasons to continue to breathe -

At this event horizon I look toward our love's reprieve,
Inward to our spiritual loving connection of warmth and healing goodness,
To our deep abiding love which restores the balance throughout my being,
To our timeless, nameless, formless love which permeates my earthly matter,
Where it sings a delightful note gently with a softly focused sound,
As it evokes a calmness in the heart and the energy-body it surrounds,
I begin to feel the rising vibration of our loves healing upliftment,
A transmutation of earthly grief into divine love -

Of these transformations and light bodies, energetic vibrations of consciousness, colour and sound,
The movements of love and light by mortal eyes unseen bring changes deep within,
And they reveal a different reality that is ready -

Into the inner world of the infinite soul with gratitude I go,
Here is that quality of spirit which cannot be contained,
Which is both causative and eternal and ever yet the same,
Which continues like an endless and joyful musical refrain,
Which carries me onward into the immeasurable depths of the heart,
Which is brighter than all the words of the many worlds could ever explain,
Which is more real than the outer projection of every physical form,
Which is where the blessing of love is forever magically born,
Which is where resides a promise that does not evaporate at dawn,
Which is where lives a happiness untouched by every storm,
Which is where the beauty of the truth is forever enshrined,
And this truth is the transcendent presence of love divine,
This is where we came together within the vessel of life -

Here the aura obstruction too, not of fearfulness, spiritual dependancy or need,
But of grief darkest green with life's absence and of astral aching blue, hurtful, cold and harsh,
Whose grieving empty hurtfulness exerts a tightening pressure on my heart,
Whose startling silent coldness and shock is tearing holes into my spirit,
Whose hollow harshness ringing with a deafening clash blinds my senses daily,
I cannot cherish our spiritual togetherness in joy nor heal with the heart's innate inner wisdom until my frozen spirit is clear,
It is overpowering -
Breathing, I atune to a tonally deeper hum resonating throughout my being,
An expansive yellow-light of spaciousness emanating from the heart,
And a white radiance of self love shining from my brow brings the spiritual healing to me,
Accepting and embracing the grief in its loss restores a forgiving calmness here,
I am so light with these upliftments flowing now unrestrained that I am awakened and aware,
This is the healing of love -

The golden cosmic energy that has traveled aeons to this moment now streams in from above,
It fills me to the brim and beyond with the glowing of unconditional love,
Clearing emotional blockages that have burrowed deeply into the heart,
The golden cosmic energy has opened the gate within -

I now perceive a formless hue which envelops my awareness here,
Of apple blossoms fresh and pink of rose quartz in sunlight shining,
Of our laughter shared in happy times and tenderness under pressure climbing,
Of the many moments of endless love that form the essence of our togetherness,
And our love energy begins flowing outward with a paler golden shimmer,
Relaxing and releasing spiritual tensions from the body, heart and soul -

And a different awareness is forming near in the energetic atmosphere,
A glowing closeness of spirit self by inner sight I see,
And I feel you now with joy and light so happy you have found me -

Your energy is an embracement of love, soft as a goslings down floating from above,
Yours wings of presence enfold me to you outside of time and space right now,
Yours are the lightest feathery lilac of hues like bluebells who delight to be pale purple,
And they shimmer like the heathers on the far rolling hills of our walkings in every kind of weather,
And they sing like the mornings misty haze flowing over snow capped mountains,
And you bring a bolder golden-orange deep within which gathers closely to my heart,
Which surrounds me with your absolute love and assures me we are never apart,
And you dance into my body this moment that we share a brief infinity of bliss,
The manner of your movements and delighted glee convince my heart of this,
These are the ways I know this is you and that you are happy and free,
You did not just come just to visit but have moved into my heart eternally,
Welcome Home -

art co andersson