Friday, January 31, 2020

Transformative Love / Poem

You are transformative,
You transform everything into love -

You transform your death into the light of love within my heart,
If I would be with you -

You transform my love for you,
Into an invisible pathway of love...

You transform my invisible pathway of love,
Into a tangible present...

You transform this tangible present into your pure loving presence,
Which radiates love....

You transfer your pure loving presence into my heart,
Which you freely inhabit in the now....

You transform the freely inhabited now of my heart,
Into a gateway of your loving spirit -

You transform the gateway of your loving spirit,
Into a realm of love beyond form -

You transfer your realm of love beyond form,
And your spiritual space reaching beyond everywhere,
Into my heart...

You came to me first in a dream,
You came with your heart and with your love both awake -

Your love transformed our love into a gateway,
To the eternal love -

I stepped through our gateway to the eternal love,
And found there the realm of eternal love,
Which is now everywhere -

Thank you xx
© TitusL

art co brigitte jost

Thursday, January 30, 2020

You Illuminate Me / Poem

Your shining heart darts brightly in as you illuminate my spirit,
Your joy and devotion are flowering here, as your love does begin it. 
My heart no more confined within, in yours does gladly dwell —
The soul of love knows so much more than memory could speak or ever tell.
My daily life is now imbued with your love's healing balm -
By heart sight alone I see your ineffable grace and charm.

In the mindful murmurings of my spirit - forever loving you,
I apprehend strange changes as the world transforms askew.
The written word reverses and is projected from within,
And the air around me flickers as your love comes tumbling in.
Startling, unnerving and delightful too, I know that this is you -
Auras of light dance before my eyes, I can barely acknowledge as true.

Allowing myself to see the light as wonders here are happening -
Setting aside thoughts and fears which are not needful but meerely maddening.
Faith says this and Science that, but your love says nothing at all -
For your love is unequivocal and the gentlest love of all.
Your spirit has ascended now to heights I cannot know,
Yet you are still beside me here and your love does forever flow.
© TitusL

art co peter and birgitte fich christiansen

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

You've Made A Believer Out Of Me / Poem

'You've made a believer out of me.
Once I was blind but now I can see.'

I had my doubts but you set them free.
I couldn't understand how this could possibly be -

Because once you were here and now you are gone,
But your love in my heart and your presence carries on -

Your wishes guide my choices and your love carries on,
With your energy all around me I can feel your essence carries on -

And your joyful-bright-caring spirit is just over there - carrying on,
And your beautiful garden of flowers and your friends all carry on -

Your sweet written notes that I have gathered around the house carry on,
And your afternoon walks in the fields come rain, shine or snow, carry on too -

And the tears from my heart-soul and memories are right here carrying on,
And so too is the knowing that you are with me all along -

That you are outside the physical world but all around me carrying on,
That this is not madness but spirituality carrying on -

That you are beside-with-near-inside my heart, carries on,
And because that carrying on-ness is you doing the carrying on, 
We carry on xx

'You've made a believer out of me.
Once I was blind but now I can see.'

© TitusL

art co brigitte devaia jost


When I wrote this poem I hadn't realised that the first phrase and rhythm, which presented itself from my unconsciousness, was actually borrowed from a 'CAN' song entitled Believer - a debt of gratitude is owed for that. 
I decided to keep the poem as it is however, because it goes on to express a my very personal view of finding Wendy's presence and love beside me and in my life still. 
I also favour the almost hymn like qualities of the start that are echoed throughout this poem, which thereby speaks of a spiritual awakening in our ongoing love. 

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Angel Cards / Post

This morning after my yoga session and same as every morning I ask Wendy to 'place in my hand' the mornings choice of Angel Cards. I often ask a question out loud addressed to Wendy as she is right here, just not visibly/physically so...
Todays question was regards as it often is, how can I cope with her physical absence from my life?

The cards ( I 'take/am given' - three) gave me;

, affirming what we were doing via the cards,
Faith,                  which I clearly need to carry on, and
-        my ongoing 'spiritual' awakening to her presence being with me...

If this is not sufficient indication of her choosing the cards and actually really being here with me, our little dog Rusty directly after this Angel Card moment, places himself sat in the living room doorway gazing intently at the front door, awaiting Wendy to come in..
They say that dogs and creatures do perceive things beyond our range of eyesight.

If this is not enough to indicate that he felt Wendy was near to us, when I then walked up the stairs to have my shower, he raced up with me which he never does and leapt onto our bed and sat looking expectantly...

I took another card to ask her how to cope with Rusty missing her too, 
the card was Surrender.
And besides it on the table had 'fallen' / was another chosen by Wendy

I am in tears now, of grief and of gratitude xx


art co peter fich christainsen

 photo of angel cards chosen by Wendy co TitusL


Angel Cards are a great way to connect with your angels or the spirit of your loved ones

Whether you 'believe' in angels and spirits or not, the cards help us look at the world in ways that infuse our lives with vitality and assist us to experience the deeper levels of understanding by evoking our intuitive abilities and renewing our spiritual connection to our own deeper innner self or spirit. Our attention and energy do to some extent follow our intention in life and if we open ourselves up the notion of a higher power guiding us and ask for guidance choosing a card from all those laying face down (so that we cannot bias the choice) the message on the card chosen may be from a higher power, an angel or spirit /or it may not. Either way the actual messages can then be taken as a guide to the day 
to inspire and uplift us. 

A bit New Age for some or too spiritual for others, they have a genuinely calming and positive influence on my outlook and that prooves they are effective for me. 

Originally made by hand, Joy Drake and Kathy Tyler started the angel cards some 39 years ago while living at the Findhorn Foundation in Scotland. I have never been to Findhorn but I have heard of it often - The Findhorn Foundation is situated in the north east of Scotland and it is a spiritual community, eco village and an international centre for holistic learning.


Suddenly A Rainbow / Poem

Suddenly a rainbow came singing songs I couldn't hear,
Today she stepped smiling forward from a steely dark grey sky,
Snow capped mountains climbed quietly behind her while two white swans flew slowly by,
Their white necks and wings glided serenely across her glowing radiance with a sigh,
You are here...
Neither born nor died you ever are a high vibration of pure light shining,
An endless emanation of love temporarily transformed anew,
To manifest these several years during my life on earth as you,
Now outside of the window of everything and inside of my heart forever,
We are together -

Barely conscious of the metaphysic in this bubble of cosmic space,
Within which I am curled up like a sleeping snail within its shell,
But without which I will become something else as well,
I look with wonder to your love letters falling to me gently through the sky,
You are everywhere -

This love could not be called affection, infatuation dosen't tell it,
Romantic love barely begins to say and devotion cannot spell it,
The bliss of several thousands then is but the briefest introduction,
This is universal -

The shining of your transcendence in these divinely magic moments,
They are singularly beautiful, deeply healing and terrifying too,
Because this is what we have now,
This me and you vision is true,
This is not a metaphor,
This is love -

© TitusL

 art - shekinah co brigitte finch

art co birgitte jost

Monday, January 27, 2020

You Are My Love / Poem

Without you beside me,
I am no longer here nor am I not here,
I have no place in this world anymore now that you are not in it, 
I have no place in the beyond for you have not called me to be with you,
I cannot be hopeful for there is no hope to be found here without you,
Nor can I be glad any more for there is no gladness after the sun has gone without ever coming back,
I cannot dream of you because when you left here the moon of my dreams left with you,
I am not going anywhere for there is nowhere to go to if you will not be there to meet me, to come home to,
I cannot raise up my heart in song for you, as the song falls from my soul like a stone when it sees you are not here and the birds fall from the sky in tears,
Each day, every moment that you are not in it I am lost without you,
I am not in my life anymore,
I cannot cross the divide to be with you and I cannot stay here without you,
I cannot.

But, you can shine your love across the unwalkable way and make my heart come alive again,
You can and you do call the sun to sing and as it rises the birds celebrate your love once more,
You bring the moon back with new dreams that you place on my midnight pillow,
You bestow the hope that does not have a name nor a reason but is hopeful,
You bring the happiness that hides in every moment and you set it free,
You make the garden bloom and all the flowers dance for your smile,
You bring my universe to a halt and then let it leap forward into your joy once again,
You take the iron band off my brow and place there a star of your delight,
You come to me in your silence and you whisper your heart into me,
You have my heart forever,
You are my love

© TitusL

Art co Brigitte Jost

Thursday, January 23, 2020

The Rose / Poem

The Rose;

'We create our reality by thought and intention'.
Say the new age teachers, gurus and mystics -
But sometimes that seems a harsh circumvention,
There's so many in need of love and compassion.
However it is not I who conceive of endless war -
The phrase refers to our own life orientation, nothing more.

If I find difficulties they stem from my choices.
Yet the modern world shows us only confusion -
While senseless demands allow no time for reflection,
And causality holds us accountable by collusion.

Cultural aspects do not unify or cohere,
Yet we can choose to live in love's ideal -
I therefore share a circumspect view,
We may positively charge our spirits, but not everything.

Cancer took the body of my wife -
She was fit, ate healthily, excercised well,
We lived simply, in joy without strife -

If it had been found a few years before
We could perhaps have repelled it.
But stage 4 terminal cancer was a life ending sentence -

Maybe radiation, environmental or food issues intervening -
A cultural lack of due screening.
In perfect health we did not seek out countless disorders,
To live so would be on neurosis bleak borders.

This situation does not make us a victim, quite the reverse -
For in accepting 'the world as it is' we are spiritually freed its toll, to traverse..

I have heard people say - they brought ill health on themselves..
To declare our circumstance a consequence thus
Is an ignorance we must replace with understanding.

Some might say God or Karma decided this way -
Or the sins of the father as inherited ailments can be a thing.
But to conceive the divine so cruel is an unlikely downswing.
For the divine nurtures all with unconditional absolute love..

My beloved was well balanced and at peace with the world,
Overflowing with love and with joy -
She still is such a bright soul and carries on just the same,
Although no longer with a physical body to deploy

Within the remarkable unfoldments of our time on this Earth,
Our choices do influence our lives directly -
Spirit, heart-mind and outlook are so deeply connected.

Keeping open to the light despite trials direct or obscure,
Leads us to a place outside of everything where our love does endure.
It's who we really are.

© TitusL

art co brigitte jost


This poem adresess the concern I have felt when some spiritual authors and speakers state that we are responsible for everything that happens to us. Clearly we are not.

Whilst I do share the belief that we are to a large extent masters of our own life/spirit voyage through the choices we make and our outlook, but we also must accept that other factors will intervene on our journey and that they do overturn our lives. To deny this is in my view a form of existential torment that does not speak of compassion or understanding at all. The fact that these situations visit us does not mean that we have failed in our 'walk with God' or in living positive lives. If anything, these are the circumstances which try and proove us, for we can throughout our troubles still choose to walk our path with love as our guide.

I am finding the new circumstances of living with Wendy's loving presence but without her physical one, to leave me no alternative than devote myself to a life focused in spirit. On this walk I hope to share some uplifting outlooks when I can xx

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Wendy's Message / Drawing

This morning I drew a  portrait of Wendy, using her own coloured pencils xx
Wearing her robe that she made herself in summer sky blue, with wings of a golden sunlight hue - she is so beautiful that the sun smiles and the flowers bloom just for her xx

Todays Angel cards, which I ask Wendy to 'place in my hand' every morning after my yoga session were Faith, Tenderness & Gratitude - after which I was moved to draw this portrait. I later asked Wendy if she liked the drawing and the Angel card for reply was 'Awakening' -  this could be an Awakening of my return to drawing or I think more hopefully of a line of communication between us which is perhaps clearer or stronger when I am calmer/more open as in when I am drawing...
You don’t need to be a talented artist to engage in art as therapy or just to enjoy its benefits. After all, the goal is not to create a masterpiece but to express yourself freely through art; the artistic results are secondary to the emotional benefits. Art as therapy can help people who have been exposed to loss or trauma - which certainly applies in this case. Carrying out this art project did lift my spirits, enabled me to be calm, I felt the presence of my beloved Wendy whilst I was drawing and I enjoy the result too.

Curiously, last night when I took a look at this post from my mobile phone I saw that the block of text above had been underpinned/overlayed with prayer hands - which shouldn't be possible in the blog code and even more curious - this morning they have just as mysteriously gone....
Whilst some may say there is just some kind of glitch in the system and nothing more mysterious than that, I prefer to think that nothing really happens by chance although the meanings are not always clear. In this case I think the message was very clear - one of love and support.
I think it was a message from Wendy ❤️🌺🙏 xx ~

Drawing © TitusL

Wendy's Message xx

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Your Heart Is Here Too / Poem

Your Heart Is Here Too

So many moments shaken I look behind the day to find out if your love is still with me..
I am caught in the crucible of life, where our spirits are transformed into love - alchemically.
You are already outside of this, yet beside me in a dimension where there is only love -
I would apprehend you, embrace and take starry heavens flight with you - but I am still here

Infinite, timeless, a configuration of grace unbound by space, your heart is here too -
You were never a mechanistic emergence of material based consciousness which following body-death is now gone.
You are ever a wholistic integrated spirit of love, peace and joy at home in the divine upabove, carrying on ~
Our duet of heartsongs no mortal ear can hear, yet the heart hears it clearly - just listen

To step outside of thought labrynths and mind meandering memory mountains of grief and dismay -
To be free of day imaginings of abandonment and night terrors of loss, the torments of occlusion.
There was always something about you and now I know what - It is that our love will overflow this mortal Earthly plot.
Just breathe - and in breathing be the love and see the love, it is free ~

You are wearing a robe you made yourself of summer sky in its dizzy high blue, with a diaphonous embroidered scarf of morning mist curling gently about you - you are so beautiful that the sun smiles and the flowers bloom just for you.
Sailing through a vaster ocean of etheric energies effervesing, spookyons at a distance transmitting and starseed heart shinings shimmering - this is you xx ~
There is only the now - In the moment of the now is the sacrament of the sacred and your love is always here -
The sacred now extends beyond everything and it contains everything, and the heart is the gateway to the now.
I just need to drop compulsive complication to remain here with you in the presence of our love somehow.
Just breathe - and let the being things be, for outside of them is the realm of the free -
Will you come to me in my dreams, or will you manifest in our lowly vibration of matter, will you communicate through signs and secret messages, or will our love find a way that we cannot say -
You may be busy in the upabove, consulting with the spirits of light, or nurturing flowers seeds, star hearts and dreams in the happiness they can become for the joy of uplifting with delight

The sacred energy of the infinite now cannot keep me from earthly woes I found when your body came to pass,
But it can keep my heart connected to your divine love through the woes and beyond them, let the travails of life here depart.
What is our next note in this symphony of love, as our song transcends the thingness of life and keeps going along -
Just breathe - and in the breathing see that love is more than any knowing -

Perhaps the celestial postal service will deliver me your love letter - a nacreous pearl shining morning, or a dancing comet raining starshine in the night sky - perhaps they do so countless times if I could only attend more closely to the heart's sight ~
Is there a silent new language that I need to learn now to speak with you in your spirit, is it expressed as nature in motion and the angles of the light, should I consult with the rainbow as to whether you are really alright - I will, I do - is it called second sight..

To be constantly open to the missives from the upper realms is an exhaustive otherworldly uptaking, easily missconstrued by the mind in its mission of much making, yet I remain focused on the presence of our love because it is the only real thing.
I trust in the love that pervades all and endures everything, I trust in your love because you have always come through,
United beyond the life/death of this mortal realm here is our love -
Just breathe - deeply and without heart rended consternation - 
the love is already within you.

© TitusL
artwork co brigitte devia jost

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Send Me A Sign / Poem

I whisper and mumble every morning, just before the dark-early-dawn breaking
Dear dear love, please send me a sign...
And a blackbird sings, mellifluous, sweet and golden awakening ~

Between the breaths of my breathing and oft in the day 
I call out from my heart - but silently
Beloved beloved, let me hear your voice start...
And a skylark skitters musically across the blue with my soul aching ~

In the twilight of dusk I look to the heavens with a sigh
Oh my love, let me somehow see you I cry..
And a star catches my eye brightly as it sails silvery gentle way up in the high ~

In the depth of tormented sleep I shout suddenly
Dearest Heart - we needed a Miracle!
And you pour your deep flowing love and heart healing ease upon me ~

I often cry out in despair, for how much can I bear
Sweet light of my soul - let us be together..
Whereupon you reach down through dimensions far and wide,
You touch my heart with your divine love and set my anguish aside ~

For all the times between these and those
I give thanks for your love which I will cherish in every possible way
And your love beckons always gentle and true -
Come she says, trust only your heart for our love will flourish forever
& forever starts today ~
© TitusL

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

On Wendy's Birthday / Poem

Dear Wendy,
Today I celebrate the joyful life that you have shared with us all.
Thank you from the heart of my soul for the many blessings and limitless love you share with me still and with all who love you -
I feel your loving presence every moment of every day,
Your spirit illuminates and uplifts me in a multitude of ways -
You continue to exist in the happiness beyond measure,
As this is who you always were, eternally bright, forever loving and endlessly kind -
With a compassionate heart and infinite grace flowing about as you share your heart's blessings of love and of light,
You are both here and hereafter in the heavens dancing with the spirits of delight -
The joy that you bring with your heart's true love, your gentle inspirations and your tender healing ways, is unmeasurable -
Thank you beloved Wendy xx
Todays Angel Cards, which I invite Wendy to 'place' in my hand,
gave Acceptance & Delight, exactly as Wendy would say xx ~

𝐀𝐫𝐭 - 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐣𝐚 𝐒𝐜𝐡𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐳

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Seven Heavens & the Voyage of the Soul / Post

Studying the afterlife and the ongoing voyage of the soul is an unusual persuit which may be of interest to the spiritualy intruigued and perhaps to those who are recently bereaved - 
I am both. I have collated this information because I am curious to know more about the possible paths of our spirits after we leave this Earth. Perhaps I am configuiring the information to serve as a guide for my own soul once I physically discorporate. I have avoided drawing too much specific detail from any one religion, sharing a more generalised overview that many religions and spiritual traditions might relate with to some extent, along with more detailed passages shared from Frederic W. H. Myers co-founder and later president of the Society for Psychical Research. .

In religious and mythological cosmology, the 'Seven Heavens' is term used to refer to seven levels or divisions of Heaven. The concept, derived from ancient Mesopotamian religions, can be found in the Abrahamic religions such as Islam, Judaism and Christianity as well as some Indian religions such as Hinduism.  Sometimes these heavens are also referred to as spiritual planes, realms or as dimensions, I will use the term Planes here.
On The Seven Planes of the Spirit World

The First Plane - The Earth Plane, is the densest of the spiritual planes and comprises correspondingly lower vibrations. Those souls who are too powerfully attached to certain people on Earth or who cannot accept they have died may stay attached to this plane for a period of time until they can resolve these issues.
I would take this to mean that souls who find themselves at this point may move on when they are ready to let go, unless they need to remain longer for healing purposes as might be the case in certain circumstances.
The Second Plane - The Astral or Emotional Plane, has two levels;

Firstly, The Lower Level of The Astral Plane, which may seem dark or foreboding - Buddhists would call this the 'Bardo' and Catholics would call it Purgatory. Whilst in this plane, those here would go through a period of reflection which provides them with further understanding of their life on Earth and their progress along their path towards fulfilling their soul purposes.
Frederic W. H. Myers confusingly calls this plane ‘Hades’. Myers asked us however to avoid the negative connotations associated with the name, for this is not a hellish domain but an intermediate plane; a temporary stop-over designed for healing and regeneration.  As Myers pointed out, each person will experience the intermediate plane differently, according to his or her experience.
For example Francis, having lived her life as a nun, apparently woke up after her death in a kind of Catholic Rest Home run almost entirely by sisters of the faith, many whom she had known in life. Francis resided at this rest home during her own convalescence and after her healing was complete, decided to remain there to assist other new arrivals. Hugh Benson describes the scene as an on-looker presumably acheived through his ability as a medium or divine messenger:
''This great ray was the downpouring of life – a healing ray – send to those who had already passed here, but who were not yet awake. When they were fully restored to spiritual health, there would be a splendid awakening, and they would be introduced to their new land. I noticed that there were quite a number of people seated upon the grass in the grounds, or walking about. They were relatives of those who were undergoing treatment within the hall of rest, and those whose awakening was imminent.''

Following this period of reflection and healing, the soul will then be assigned to the next required plane of experience for their development - for example Reincarnation or Ascension.
Secondly, The Upper Level of The Astral Plane, which is lighter and less dense because here the vibrations are much faster - this is more of a halfway station between Earth and the Spirit World.
An analogy for the upper plane might liken it to a spiritual airport, a reconfiguring and departure point.
The Third Plane, The Plane Of Illusion which is also spoken of as The Summerlands, is described as a dimension distinctively Earth-like in appearance and within close proximity to the Earth itself (not in terms of space as we know it, but on a vibratory level). It is the most populated of the afterlife dimensions and where the majority of Earth souls will spend their time between incarnations.  Communication between Earth and the spirit world is easiest from this near-Earth dimension, therefore it is the most well-described of any afterlife dimension. When souls describe spending their time in the afterlife swimming in crystalline lakes, living in beautiful homes ringed by the most fantastic gardens, playing games, enjoying art and music, and generally recreating the kind of earthly life they could never have enjoyed on earth, they are describing the wonders of the third plane. For the devout who anticipate nothing less after death than what their Earthly religion has promised, the third plane also delivers as they manifest their religious beliefs here, therefore this plane is variously called ‘Heaven’, ‘Nirvana’, the Devachanic plane, or just ‘the Spirit World’ and it is exactly what you’d expect: the best, most beautiful version of Earth you could imagine.
Myers himself was perceptive enough to see the third plane for what it is: a self-created analogue of the Earth for those spirits who would be uncomfortable or unprepared with anything more abstract. For souls who come through death completely unprepared, the Third Plane is like a kindergarten; a safe place for guides and teachers to (re)introduce souls to their spiritual heritage. For the slightly more prepared soul, the Third Plane may be a stop-over; a ‘club med’ for those on the way to the learning or teaching spheres.
At this point, according to Myers, a soul has two choices, the first option is to be reborn on earth or another planet to challenge oneself in the intense joys and pain of physical life. The second option is to stay in the spirit world, but begin preparing for spiritual progression into the higher planes.
The Fourth Plane - The Plane of Unity, is described as a realm of pure consciousness.
The Akashic plane is also in what is also called the lower Devachan, which corresponds to the Fourth Plane. The soul is now free of any need for reincarnation on the lower planes and Earth. Many selfless caring souls here work together to bring spiritual enlightenment to the lower planes and to the Earth. It is interesting to consider that a number of prophets and spiritual teachers who have transmited healings, messages and teachings directly from the divine higher power may have done so from this plane.
The Fifth Plane - The Plane Of Flame, here the soul takes on the form of a flame and can travel the universe at will. It can grow in understanding and while it still retains its individuality it becomes part of a 'soul group' - of spirits who vibrate at the same level or who are at the same level of understandings. Myers also tells us that fifth plane is where in his terms the 'group soul' is perfected, and no member of this union may ascend to the sixth plane until all members have progressed to the fifth. More progressed members of the group soul spend a long time at this level, awaiting the rest of the group to join them. Often, they provide guidance and assistance to the fledgling members of their group, as they strive and struggle through their incarnations and challenges. Perhaps this aspect of the group soul is the ‘higher self’ that we so often hear mentioned by spiritual teachers?
The Sixth Plane, The Plane Of Light, is also called The Divine Plane and comprises a realm of cosmic consciousness where the unity of evolved souls is so perfected that a kind of universal being exists, which may be close to what we think of as God. Souls that have acsended to this plane have lived through all the relevant aspects of the created universes and have completed their growth process. They have no need for matter or form and exist purely as 'white light' . Fulfilling their soul purpose of the evolution of consciousness they are now so in accord with the Creator that they become the pure thought of the Creator. Of the sixth plane, Myers has little detail to share, what he describes is the ascension into pure consciousness; nearly incomprehensible to us form-addicted creatures on Earth.
The Seventh Plane - The Spirit Plane or Seventh Heaven itself, is the realm of of God the Creator. In this dimension, souls enter full partnership with God.  Everything we do, on Earth and in the higher dimensions, is directed toward that final transformation of divine union.
Myers speaks of this plane with great reverence, though we get the sense that such a state is inconceivable;
''The soul who enters that Seventh state passes into the Beyond and becomes one with God. This merging with the Idea, with the Great Source of spirit does not imply annihilation. You still exist as an individual. You are as a wave in the sea; and you have at last entered into Reality and cast from you all the illusions of appearances.''

For those who believe this outlook including myself, it is a beautiful way that souls may unfurl and develop to fulfil their ultimate soul purpose and become a part of the shimmering 
infinity of divine transcendental love.

Best Wishes

Spencer David - Expression Of Consciousness

The Road to Immortality – The Seven Spiritual Planes

Various Descriptions of the Afterlife Realms 

Transcendental Prose / Poem

Thoughts are the things with horns, hooks or wings.
They are imaginary doorways to energy states -
playing our heart's down or up strings.

Beyond thoughts there is only your love,
All encompassing and second to none.

Here is love's gateway - and here is how I choose it,
Lest in illusion I short circuit my own heart-mind and fuse it:
A hundred times a day I tell my mind stop,
A hundred times more I let my mind drop.

Throughout all of our dances of universal consciousness unfurling,
Love is the constant that illumines our whirling.

Of our association with the physics in this realm through which we pit patter,
We are but fleetingly robed with the starstuff that binds our spirits into matter.

Yet our spirits were never fettered and they forever flow free,
Imbued with the awakened dream of sublime love which they see.

For billions of years each soul on Earth has been gifted,
A quick dash of love peppered with life's longings and yearning.

But our hearts desire to become and to share love's light ongoing,
Leads us toward a grace that is beyond all our knowing -

As the tides of belief roll back and forth on the shores of becoming,
The high seas of our consciousness prepare for the immutable homecoming.

Resounding in a chorus of eternal joys humming,
The divine awareness of this love was our soul's purpose in coming.

Having devoted our hearts to each other in this realm's sacred grove,
Reaching across these forevers is our love's song of transcendental prose.

© TitusL

art co brigitte-devaia-art

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

The Love / Poem

Our spirits were always united by the love from before they were brought into this world,
And will always be together beyond all the realms of infinity for the love is the all in all.
We are together in this love still, evermore, worlds without end -
for the love has made us so.
Outside of the vaults of the heavens, in this moment now and in all the moments
here before and here be after,
Our love is abiding in the joy and delight beyond knowing

Yet in the togetherness of our love we have always had room to be ourselves,
To reach out and follow a different path from each other,
To play a different song, to reveal a different revelation -
To explore the secret meanings hidden within the many layers of this existence,
To find new ways to celebrate and to share the life that love has given us,
To nurture our own tender passions, dancing with new friends 

along the love's sacred way -

As the unfoldment of our souls takes sometimes different paths 

yet we ever return to each other,
Indeed we had never been apart save in circumstance but not spirit.
Our love is the essence of who we are because we were not made for each other - 

we are each other.
The reason our love brought us together 

is because we reflect each other's inner light completely.
This is what love is - it is the absolute and unconditional heart of us

Everybody has the love -
All at once this love is everywhere united and simultaneously it is ultimately free.
This love is never caught up in the multifarious bindings of the mind - 

it is the hearts boundless divine energy -
This love is itself both the freedom from everything and the exhaultation of that freedom,
This love is the state of being that comes into communion with all things 

when it flows through them  -
This love is magnified throughout all the eternities, 

not by holding onto the love but by being the love.
The dance of our days together on this small world is but a brief sojurn 

along the path of our love,
For the love has chosen us to come home to the temple of love -

The love has chosen everyone.
But not everyone can hear the love calling to them even now -
For the mind has made many mysteries and endless obfuscations to veil the love because the mind likes to play,
So the love has us share our love for all to see -
Take heart, be love - be free
© TitusL

During this whole new world experience that I am living in now without Wendy's physical presence beside me, the only thing keeping me from going completely to pieces is refocusing away from my loss onto the actual blessings that we have together, our love in my heart forever and her spiritual presence with me now xx

Monday, January 6, 2020

Love Is Eternal / Poem

You told me that you would not be able to cope if I left this world the first of us,
so that suffering was spared us -

You are a bright vibrational spirit and such sometimes leave this realm early
in service of the higher power,
so this may be known -

You were not being punished for your loving kindness and grace on the earth
and nor was I,
loving kindness is the way home -

You were taken by the unfathomable infinity for causes I cannot understand,
I have understood this which is unknown -

Your life was your heart's message of goodness to all
writ large in every possible way,
to this I am a witness touchstone -

You are transformed from this world of mortal decay
into the ineffable eternal and spiritual light,
I know this is true -

You told me in a thousand ways every day how much you love me
and my love for you is absolute,
this we both know too -

Your astral quantum heart radiating love presence is now free
to be everywhere,
and it is because you went through -

I cannot conceive of one day on this world without you
but when I take one step you are right here in my heart,
in emptiness your presence renew -

And love is eternal

© TitusL

Sunday, January 5, 2020

My Ship Is Deep At Sea / Poem

My ship is deep at sea in the wildest storm I could never have imagined -
The whole of my world is being torn to pieces more every day.

I am ready to travel completely through this chaos to find you -
You were swept away in the same earthshattering upheavals unable to stay.

We are now thrown on opposite sides of the material-spiritual divide -
You send your love and your prayers to guide me but you cannot return.

As for myself it is less and less possible to stay here as everything of my heart is taken away...
My voyage through the portal is approaching closer every day -

It awaits only God to send me on my way.

My spirit will find you in the elsewhere of the other realms -
For the truth of abiding love no measure under infinity could ever divide.

Whilst I am blessed with a love that bridges the very same divide -
I see the path ahead of me will in its eventuality not be denied.

Everything is empty now -
I am coming

© TitusL

I have added the following explanation to make more clear the meaning:

Because Wendy's love is still with me, it is her physical manifestation that I miss and long for, her voice, her touch, her smile and laughter, her actual electromagnetic, etheric, atomic, physical biochemical love radiating presence in a million ways every day - Whilst I believe her spirit to be happy in the higher realms, it is at times hard to find a calm ocean on this voyage through life into that beyond. I have complete faith in our love and believe the infinity continues to unite our spirits, although the physical aspect of my heart-mind often feels bewildered, hurt and alone. The infinity will eventually bring our love together in a more equal way outside of this realm - until then I must remain in light. This might sound a bit otherworldly to some, but it is the view that Wendy and I shared - for us it is real.

My poem about this grief as a spiritual voyage leading outside of life, is also a commitment to transcend this world to follow our love. It is not about hanging on to our love but rather a letting go of everything which is not love...

Picture - Guru Nanak

Some Say The Earth Is A Womb For The Spirit / Poem

Some say the Earth is a womb for the spirit,
When the spirit is born it leaves the womb.
They say the spirit is born into the beyond,
Into the realms of unimaginable light and love,
Sharing joy too mighty for matter to contain -
Blessed with compassion and understanding without end...
They say the spirit dances in the limitlessness of this infinite delight.

They tell me this.
It is also true

You undertake now the joyful upliftments of the heavens,
I remain here a while longer to become a love yet brighter.
You are my guide and companion leading me onwards,
Your luminescent silent love illuminates all my days -
Your tender sacred heart comforts my soul through the darkest of nights.
And your spiritual presence dances all around me, one step at a time.

Open my heart with the eyes of your love,
That I might see you more clearly -
Place your words directly into my soul,
That I may hear you in the very root of my being -
Embrace me in the sunshine of your smile,
That I will always wear your gentle love..

Walk with me -

© TitusL

A Shadow Of Joy Flickered / Poem - Author Unknown

A shadow of joy flickered; it is me.
I told you I wouldn't leave.
My memories, my thoughts are imbedded deep in your heart.
I still love you.
Do not for one moment think that you have been abandoned.
I am in the Light.
In the corner, in the hall, the car, the yard ~
these are the places I stay with you.
My spirit rises every time you pray for me,
but my energy comes closer to you.
Love does not diminish; it grows stronger.
I am the feather that finds you in the yard,
the dimmed light that grows brighter in your mind,
I place our memories for you to see.
We lived in our special way,
a way that now has its focus changed.
I still crave your understanding
and long for the many words of prayer
and good fortune for my soul.
I am in the Light.
As you struggle to adjust without me,
I watch silently.
Sometimes I summon up all the strength of my new world
to make you notice me.
Impressed by your grief,
I try to impress my love deeper into your consciousness.
As you should, I call out to the Heavens for help.
You should know that the fountain of youth does exist.
My soul is now healthy.
Your love sends me new found energy.
I am adjusting to this new world.
I am with you and I am in the Light.
Please don't feel bad that you can't see me.
I am with you wherever you go.
I protect you,
just as you protected me so many times.
Talk to me and somehow I will find a way to answer you.
Mother, Father, son or daughter, it makes no difference.
Brother, sister, lover, husband or wife, it makes no difference.
Whatever our connection ~ friend or even foe ~ I see you with my new eyes.
I am learning to help wherever you are, wherever I am needed.
This can be done because I am in the Light.
When you feel despair, reach out to me. I will come.
My love for you truly does transcend from Heaven to Earth.
Finish your life with the enthusiasm and zest that you had
when we were together in the physical sense.
You owe this to me, but more importantly,
you owe it to yourself.
Life continues for both of us.
I am with you because I love you
and I am in the Light.

Author Unknown

Continuing Bonds: Shifting the Grief Paradigm / Article

Continuing Bonds: Shifting the Grief Paradigm;
Heres another post that I compiled to share in the Bereavement Forum which may be of interest to others too. It details a different approach to coping with the grief for a lost loved one than the more widely known reconciliation and closure methods - that of continuing your bond or bridge of love to and with your beloved.

If ideas of acceptance, closure, reinvestment of energy, and embarking on a ‘new life’ have ever rubbed you the wrong way, you are not alone. It was only a matter of time before someone stood up and yelled, I don’t need to put my loved one in the past and reinvest my energy in a new life in order to be healthy and well-adjusted! Klass, Silverman, and Nickman, explicitly questioned the dominant models of grief. The(ir) book suggested that perhaps these linear models, ending in a detachment from the person we’ve lost, were denying a reality of how many people grieve. They suggested a new paradigm, rooted in the observation of healthy grief that did not resolve by detaching from the deceased, but rather in creating a new relationship with the deceased.

Here is the 30 second summary: under this model, when your loved one dies grief isn’t about working through a linear process that ends with ‘acceptance’ or a ‘new life’, where you have moved on or compartmentalized your loved one’s memory. Rather, when a loved one dies you slowly find ways to adjust and redefine your relationship with that person, allowing for a continued bond with that person that will endure, in different ways and to varying degrees, throughout your life. This relationship is not unhealthy, nor does it mean you are not grieving in a normal way. Instead, the continuing bonds theory suggests that this is not only normal and healthy, but that an important part of grief is continuing ties to loved ones in this way. Rather than assuming detachment as a normal grief response, continuing bonds considers natural human attachment even in death.
If you are interested please follow the link below for more details -

16 Tips for Continuing Bonds with People We’ve Lost
With decades of grief theory that focused on closure, acceptance, and moving on, it is no wonder that so many grievers feel self-conscious about maintaining ties with their deceased loved one after a certain period of time. Many now believe that healthy grief involves finding a new and different relationship with the person who died.
If you love the continuing bonds theory you may be looking for ways to continue bonds with your loved one.

We have some ideas here;
1. Talk to them
2. Write letters to the person you lost.
3. Keep photos of the person around.
4. Incorporate your loved one into events and special days.
5. Imagine what advice they would give you when making tough decisions.
6. Talk about them with new people, who never got to know your loved one.
7. Live your life in a way you know they would be proud of.
8. Finish a project they were working on.
9. Take a trip they always wanted to take.
10. Keep up their facebook page.
11. Adopt a hobby that they enjoyed.
12. Create a Dear Photograph.
13. Plan for the anniversary.
14. Keep something that belonged to your loved one.
15. Enjoy comfort foods.
16. Experience your loved one’s presence.

It is common to feel the presence of your loved one – it may just be a feeling, it may be a specific type of wind or bird or countless other things that seem to be a sign of our loved one’s presence. Unlike the studies about keeping something that belonged to your loved one, feeling your loved one’s presence has been shown in studies to ease the sadness that accompanies grief. So when you feel your loved one’s presence, feel it without apology or any worry that you are crazy! This is a normal and helpful way we continue bonds with our loved ones.
More details for all of those points if you follow the link below -

I like this outlook as it very clearly portrays how I have been feeling and instinctually behaving, it seems to focus on love more than grief and continuance of that love rather than closure. It may not be for everyone, but for me it is encouraging that my approach does not mean I have lost my mind or that my grief is charting less than healthy waters - its an other way of addressing this situation, of remaining in touch, of cherishing the flame of love.

I hope this outlook may be of help to some.

TitusL xx

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