Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Angel Cards / Post

This morning after my yoga session and same as every morning I ask Wendy to 'place in my hand' the mornings choice of Angel Cards. I often ask a question out loud addressed to Wendy as she is right here, just not visibly/physically so...
Todays question was regards as it often is, how can I cope with her physical absence from my life?

The cards ( I 'take/am given' - three) gave me;

, affirming what we were doing via the cards,
Faith,                  which I clearly need to carry on, and
-        my ongoing 'spiritual' awakening to her presence being with me...

If this is not sufficient indication of her choosing the cards and actually really being here with me, our little dog Rusty directly after this Angel Card moment, places himself sat in the living room doorway gazing intently at the front door, awaiting Wendy to come in..
They say that dogs and creatures do perceive things beyond our range of eyesight.

If this is not enough to indicate that he felt Wendy was near to us, when I then walked up the stairs to have my shower, he raced up with me which he never does and leapt onto our bed and sat looking expectantly...

I took another card to ask her how to cope with Rusty missing her too, 
the card was Surrender.
And besides it on the table had 'fallen' / was another chosen by Wendy

I am in tears now, of grief and of gratitude xx


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 photo of angel cards chosen by Wendy co TitusL


Angel Cards are a great way to connect with your angels or the spirit of your loved ones

Whether you 'believe' in angels and spirits or not, the cards help us look at the world in ways that infuse our lives with vitality and assist us to experience the deeper levels of understanding by evoking our intuitive abilities and renewing our spiritual connection to our own deeper innner self or spirit. Our attention and energy do to some extent follow our intention in life and if we open ourselves up the notion of a higher power guiding us and ask for guidance choosing a card from all those laying face down (so that we cannot bias the choice) the message on the card chosen may be from a higher power, an angel or spirit /or it may not. Either way the actual messages can then be taken as a guide to the day 
to inspire and uplift us. 

A bit New Age for some or too spiritual for others, they have a genuinely calming and positive influence on my outlook and that prooves they are effective for me. 

Originally made by hand, Joy Drake and Kathy Tyler started the angel cards some 39 years ago while living at the Findhorn Foundation in Scotland. I have never been to Findhorn but I have heard of it often - The Findhorn Foundation is situated in the north east of Scotland and it is a spiritual community, eco village and an international centre for holistic learning.


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