Sunday, January 5, 2020

My Wife Is A Rainbow / Post

We first met on this Earth in Secondlife, an unscripted virtual reality environment where you could be anything and go anywhere in an instant. I dropped out of the sky into a circle meeting around a log fire on an unknown island where I met Wendy under her pseudonym of Elfheart Rising.

We took to each other immediately and that led to lots of away time together talking about our Earth lives and our spiritual lives. The virtual reality environment gave us an enchanting backdrop of mountainous gardens with wild waterfalls, giant trees and endless starry moonlight nights. Our own music played just for us on our headsets as we danced romantic dances atop ancient elven towers in each others arms night after night...

The venue provided us as a couple a perfect way to be together in spirit and love every night even though physically we lived hundreds of miles apart.

After a few months we decided to meet up in 'real life' which was awesome. Following a whirlwind first date in London we made a long weekend every week with either Wendy or myself going to stay at each others home and have adventures together. Weeknights we relied on the virtual reality to provide the venue for us, although by this point we both realised that we are spiritually connected at all times and that we always have been...

This situation carried on for about a year at which point we decided I should move in with her which I did. I moved across the country to be with Wendy in London. After about a year living together, sharing a spiritual outlook as 'cosmic elves' and bringing our love to the world, we decided to get married. Although our marriage was a small family affair held in beautiful rural Cumbria, for us it was a festival of light and we were in the seventh heavens together.

Following about five years in London and longing for a return to the nature that we had both grown up in, we left the City and moved up to Cumbria together -

The years of our life together have been nothing but absolute love and devotion, endless delight and all sorts of adventures.

During this heaven on Earth, Wendy's physical body got terminal cancer and after two years of treatment passed away. I am completely heartbroken.

We always have had a powerful connection to each other through our love and our spiritual outlook, which has made our separation all the more overwhelming, it has destroyed me. Conversely though, the same connection and outlook have enabled me to more readily accept that Wendy has just upscaled her spirit's base of operations. She is now a light body in the higher realms.

In the same way that we carried on a relationship disconnected by distance at the start of our time on Earth together, we now may do so again although via the 'technology' of our spirits. The dissconect once of distance is now transformed to be the physical realm itself. But the bridge between our spirits is exactly as before and can be crossed immediately by moving my mind into an awareness of the now and by opening my heart to her presence. Whilst I perceive our love and her presence to be ongoing, I have yet to identify a two way communicative link. Spiritual technology would be so much easier to learn to do if people were more widely aware of it - For the time being I practise mindfulness, meditation, yoga and unconditional love to help me calm my aching heart and racing mind, to become still enough to be more open to the moment and thus able to perceive the messages of love and presence that Wendy is sending to me.

This new relationship with Wendy's love and presence will continue until by heavens hand I am similarly uptaken to the beyond realms. Once there, Wendy will be able to show me our new light bodies, our new home and all the new cosmic adventures ahead.

Biocentrism encourages me in the belief of such a natural spiritual 'technology' which I believe to be innate to us all as beings of light and love beyond the physical realms of matter. As regards reciprocal communication between us while I am still here on Earth, absolute unconditional love will be the key, along with the help of grace from higher realms. I keep my heart open.

"Just as many rivers lead to the sea, there are many paths to God. Each of the seven primary energy centers of the human body, the chakras, corresponds to a specific path...I think of the rainbow as a metaphor for the seven paths to God, which are likewise a part of what seems to be an indivisible whole -- each a precious reflection of one aspect of divine consciousness.'' 
Joan Borysenko  - The Seven Paths To God.
My wife is a rainbow of light and of love
© TitusL

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