Tuesday, January 7, 2020

The Love / Poem

Our spirits were always united by the love from before they were brought into this world,
And will always be together beyond all the realms of infinity for the love is the all in all.
We are together in this love still, evermore, worlds without end -
for the love has made us so.
Outside of the vaults of the heavens, in this moment now and in all the moments
here before and here be after,
Our love is abiding in the joy and delight beyond knowing

Yet in the togetherness of our love we have always had room to be ourselves,
To reach out and follow a different path from each other,
To play a different song, to reveal a different revelation -
To explore the secret meanings hidden within the many layers of this existence,
To find new ways to celebrate and to share the life that love has given us,
To nurture our own tender passions, dancing with new friends 

along the love's sacred way -

As the unfoldment of our souls takes sometimes different paths 

yet we ever return to each other,
Indeed we had never been apart save in circumstance but not spirit.
Our love is the essence of who we are because we were not made for each other - 

we are each other.
The reason our love brought us together 

is because we reflect each other's inner light completely.
This is what love is - it is the absolute and unconditional heart of us

Everybody has the love -
All at once this love is everywhere united and simultaneously it is ultimately free.
This love is never caught up in the multifarious bindings of the mind - 

it is the hearts boundless divine energy -
This love is itself both the freedom from everything and the exhaultation of that freedom,
This love is the state of being that comes into communion with all things 

when it flows through them  -
This love is magnified throughout all the eternities, 

not by holding onto the love but by being the love.
The dance of our days together on this small world is but a brief sojurn 

along the path of our love,
For the love has chosen us to come home to the temple of love -

The love has chosen everyone.
But not everyone can hear the love calling to them even now -
For the mind has made many mysteries and endless obfuscations to veil the love because the mind likes to play,
So the love has us share our love for all to see -
Take heart, be love - be free
© TitusL

During this whole new world experience that I am living in now without Wendy's physical presence beside me, the only thing keeping me from going completely to pieces is refocusing away from my loss onto the actual blessings that we have together, our love in my heart forever and her spiritual presence with me now xx

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