Sunday, January 5, 2020

On Christmas Time In A World Without You / Poem

On Christmas time in a world without you, as the empty bells echo onward;
Coldness near is gathering, around my heart, my hearth and home,
In the harsh midwinter bleakness - when I forget your spirit is with me I then do feel alone.

Yet your love is still singing in my heart, your love is shining through. . .
Your love is absolutely radiant, everlasting and true.

All around are decorations and Christmas trees in their splendour,
People shopping, choirs caroling, festivities glad and tender.

My heart however is set aside from this and still reeling cannot enter -
How could I join the merry throng or give thanks in the absence of you.

Yet love is the sacred sacrament and love will bring us through.
Stars twinkling brightly in the foreboding tell a very different tale;
How the Angels in their heavens gave thanks when up to them you did sail...
And the blessings of your love bestow, your joy runs deeply through the veil.

Singing the silent song divine, they tell how those who love are never alone -
You are a presence in God's heart now and your spirit is ever home.

You always followed and still you do the love and the light and the truth,
In joy divine you are dancing with your heart sublime of irrepressible eternal youth.

You touch my heart each moment as I look upon your spirit with bedazlement and wonder -
I will walk wheresoever your love leads - through all of eternities thunder.

Thank you for your gift without measure, your endless and absolute love forever.

© TitusL

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