Saturday, January 18, 2020

Your Heart Is Here Too / Poem

Your Heart Is Here Too

So many moments shaken I look behind the day to find out if your love is still with me..
I am caught in the crucible of life, where our spirits are transformed into love - alchemically.
You are already outside of this, yet beside me in a dimension where there is only love -
I would apprehend you, embrace and take starry heavens flight with you - but I am still here

Infinite, timeless, a configuration of grace unbound by space, your heart is here too -
You were never a mechanistic emergence of material based consciousness which following body-death is now gone.
You are ever a wholistic integrated spirit of love, peace and joy at home in the divine upabove, carrying on ~
Our duet of heartsongs no mortal ear can hear, yet the heart hears it clearly - just listen

To step outside of thought labrynths and mind meandering memory mountains of grief and dismay -
To be free of day imaginings of abandonment and night terrors of loss, the torments of occlusion.
There was always something about you and now I know what - It is that our love will overflow this mortal Earthly plot.
Just breathe - and in breathing be the love and see the love, it is free ~

You are wearing a robe you made yourself of summer sky in its dizzy high blue, with a diaphonous embroidered scarf of morning mist curling gently about you - you are so beautiful that the sun smiles and the flowers bloom just for you.
Sailing through a vaster ocean of etheric energies effervesing, spookyons at a distance transmitting and starseed heart shinings shimmering - this is you xx ~
There is only the now - In the moment of the now is the sacrament of the sacred and your love is always here -
The sacred now extends beyond everything and it contains everything, and the heart is the gateway to the now.
I just need to drop compulsive complication to remain here with you in the presence of our love somehow.
Just breathe - and let the being things be, for outside of them is the realm of the free -
Will you come to me in my dreams, or will you manifest in our lowly vibration of matter, will you communicate through signs and secret messages, or will our love find a way that we cannot say -
You may be busy in the upabove, consulting with the spirits of light, or nurturing flowers seeds, star hearts and dreams in the happiness they can become for the joy of uplifting with delight

The sacred energy of the infinite now cannot keep me from earthly woes I found when your body came to pass,
But it can keep my heart connected to your divine love through the woes and beyond them, let the travails of life here depart.
What is our next note in this symphony of love, as our song transcends the thingness of life and keeps going along -
Just breathe - and in the breathing see that love is more than any knowing -

Perhaps the celestial postal service will deliver me your love letter - a nacreous pearl shining morning, or a dancing comet raining starshine in the night sky - perhaps they do so countless times if I could only attend more closely to the heart's sight ~
Is there a silent new language that I need to learn now to speak with you in your spirit, is it expressed as nature in motion and the angles of the light, should I consult with the rainbow as to whether you are really alright - I will, I do - is it called second sight..

To be constantly open to the missives from the upper realms is an exhaustive otherworldly uptaking, easily missconstrued by the mind in its mission of much making, yet I remain focused on the presence of our love because it is the only real thing.
I trust in the love that pervades all and endures everything, I trust in your love because you have always come through,
United beyond the life/death of this mortal realm here is our love -
Just breathe - deeply and without heart rended consternation - 
the love is already within you.

© TitusL
artwork co brigitte devia jost

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