Quietly one afternoon she brought her spiritual presence near,
She tuned her blossoming energy-self of love to the Earth to communicate with me here -
By-passing all my grief born anxieties with her tender nowness of joy,
By the silent language of heart knowings her meanings she did employ -
And this is what she said;
About the people who have 'gone ahead'
Those who have by body-death left their worldly self behind,
Those people are now their non-physical selves and in spirit sublime,
They are the spirit people,
Our loved ones & ancient families long,
They are not 'gone' but were ever and always here with you all along,
They are also another in dimension and with love are forever stepping through -
As I listened I realized once again,
That hidden in plain sight lay the lens, the gate and the way,
That as soul-sight is illuminated beyond the darkest night and the bright glow of day,
We unbind the closed core beliefs of mortal mind which fall away,
And the expansive time before knowing is unfurled,
Into the endless consciousness of love -
And she told me this;
I share with you my joyful awareness true,
Of the infinite love flowing between me and you,
This love is the gentle spirit of the forever blessed coming through,
And the spirit of this love is infinitely vast,
All consciousness a flower of this spirit at last,
And so the dancing soul-song of love she sang,
And all of existence is imbued with this spirit,
That the light of love shall go before and ever be renewed,
Thus she told me that the truth of love not be misconstrued -
I won't call your body-death the ending of your days,
I will call it the dawn of your spiritual freedom and the carrying on of your loving ways,
For your spirit is closer now and my heart grows with deepest love ever fonder,
This is the recognition of a new state of spiritual at oneness supreme -
And in her gentle expansive smile she told me yet more;
That awareness of this loving spirit within self becomes awareness of this love within all,
For the cosmic love consciousness is an infinitely wise unconditionally loving devotion,
Which is everything nurturing and endlessly caring for you,
And being beyond all dualities is ever present and always anew,
Within and beyond all this love will forever imbue,
This love is accessible as a state of consciousness here and now,
By the very sacred orientation of love -
Once the awakening consciousness of heart-mind chooses to know,
The core beliefs reconcile to acknowledge their unity and let go,
And the apparently divided are transformed into the oneness of love,
So she spoke within my heart most tenderly -
And by the miracle of this fantastic limitless love,
I am restored to your heartfelt spiritual loving presence xx ~
TitusL / Wendy

art = gentleness co marija schwarz
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