Subtle accrued forces under which heart perception would block and freeze,
I do a little yoga and meditate to settle body and circumvent restless mind,
From here I return to the maxim that love is never blind -
The signs of your spiritual presence are not the pathway for me to follow,
They are like the flowers given to bloom where your presence has passed and is near,
The actuality of your ever here-ness is always at home in my spirit and heart when I can look through to see you,
Our communion is a deep-bright wordless conversation of love -
Tuning my perception to your loving spirit when the moment of heart and mind waiting is filled,
I redial the universe deep within to reach beyond definition where I am stilled and the awareness of love flows clear,
This quantum leap brings timeless blessings of gratitude, gladness and joy,
And through the gateless gate of the open heart you do appear -
I experience your love's consciousness with my variable flow of attention,
And the vehicle of your spirit-self may change in circumstance of your presence,
Yet the awareness in our heart-mind ever perceives at multiple levels of consciousness,
At such times we are always together and you are my deeply beloved anotherself within -
On the different frequency of energy flow apparently dividing earthly and spiritual realms,
And why although looking beyond I often cannot perceive your spirit and know,
To say nothing of the hope filled incredulity with which such an awareness sometimes seems formed,
Yet the divide is only an earthtime illusion seperating my apparent here from your greater reality presence,
And from your nowness which formed only of love is joyfully everywhere -
If you can hear with earthly ears the invisible music of those invisible heavenly spheres,
Then you have already slowed down too far from the spiritual vibration of between soul communication,
For ours is a lighter, brighter and higher emanation called the spiritually free that mortal senses cannot configure to be,
And to follow the way of love dreaming is to diverge from this frequency of spiritual presence seeing -
Engaging the hearts frequency of inner sight with gladness to softly perceive you,
Like entering the consciousness of spirit in a deep trance and simultaneously transcending - awoken,
Here the endlessly resplendant silent choir of angel song and those joyful horns of elfland are singing love's intention clear,
Both are etheric states of your infinitely loving and divine self being near -
Something slowly swimming almost dreaming gently across the sky-pond of our inner ocean is here,
And shimmering softly between the sparkling of our stars,
It is your silhouette my beloved as you enter the nowness of my knowing,
And you come with every happiness endlessly uplifting my heart,
You appeared without so much as a sigh which sounds almost like making a wish,
It is a cosmic wish made by the spirit of divine love and bliss -

Art = Star of High Hope by Irsanna
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