Thursday, October 22, 2020

𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐈𝐬 𝐀𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐃𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 / Poem

You stole my heart that very first day,
And gave it back to the divine in your luminous way,
Thank you, thank you, taroo taray, you are my beloved what more can I say -

I will try to explain the blessing of this numinous doorway,
Where better to begin than with the heart's most wonderful reconciliation,
To the eternal spirit of love -

As infinite and cosmic selves we are earth-born here from above,
Dancing through countless incarnations to discover the expanse of love -

Within this space-time which is limitless in the spontaneous joy of the now,
Which is made up of our love for one another by magical metaphysics somehow,
I hear you now among the choirs of angels with their voices composed of light  -

We became embodied in the physical frame to explore our soul plans together,
Although at a subatomic level we flicker into being and out / again and again forever -

Yet there exists another garden where our souls in shinning tenderness stay,
Alongside this world and beyond it are the many homes of the infinite heart at play,
Populated by our true selves, by the light sublime and the love -

In regard of the moments unseen and the walk of life as we know it,
We have no measure of the sub-atomic pause between our withiness or without it -

Yet alongside each breath taken, aeons arise, flourish and fall,
Although outside our material realm and physics they exist concurrent with us all,
By changing from known frequency, our connection to spiritual awareness recall  -

Follow the heart's higher vibration and surrender in love to see,
Set free from inner dictates of worldly affairs and their conditioned mortal decree -

Welcome the divine subjectivity of the inner realms and the eternally free,
Where love resides in a shimmering of existential joy forever between you and me,
This the love orientation which allows me here to see -

Let me make it ever so plain - within the count of 1,2,3, here exists the infinity,
Which also contains every infinite possibility and countless expression of being -

Among the many energetic states herein are the heavens of divine love knowing,
Each spirit can commune between these if they choose to help those who are still growing,
My beloved in her frequency of love is thus always ever near -

Love is another dimension beyond life and death which our inner selves do see,
And my love sparkling with delight is laughing here at me,
Took you a while,
Says she -

Sending healing energy to my heart and mind and insightful poems and love...
To open another level of awareness within that leads directly to the ascended above,
And the perfection of love continues -

Listening to the harmonic harmonies of your voice mellifluous and sweet in my heart,
Is a transcendental adventure characterised by the love energy you impart,
And you make my heart sing -

I was wal-king through the for-est, when I hear-d you call my name,
And the ang-els and the spir-its, everybo-dy so glad you came,
And you tol-d me not to worr-y, every-thing will work out fine,
And you gav-e me this little love-song, danc-ing gladly with its rhyme -

I was list-ening to the riv-er, as she rush-ed gladly by,
And your lov-ing touched my heart then, in a mome-ent made me cry,
As I ask-ed you once again oh - how could you ever up and die,
And you tol-d me with the know-ing, to trust the love and the by and by -

I am follow-ing in the cloud-s now, and through the heav-ens we do fly
When I whisp-er I can hear-you, as you speak my-heart magnifies,
And the ridd-les of life mean-ing, fall with reas-on far a-way,
Dropping fur-ther explana-tions, to enter our-love is to stay -

Oh my beloved -


art = march of spring co unknown


  1. Such beautiful and touching words that I felt in my heart.This connection is the epitomy of love in the true sense of the word.I believe that these words ripple out and touch others, showing them the Divine meaning of love on Earth, and reaching out through all the other dimensions of the Universe.
