This morning's soft light dawning carried a new radiant quality today,
Resplendent subtle energies in soft-orange and pale-pink shimmering hues sang they,
My heart filled deeply with this luminescence of a mysterious sky-born embrace,
As it flowed into my soul with a blessing of actual supernal grace -
Oh beloved - you are an everlasting rose of love and you have in your spirit risen,
You are a never-ending bloom of kind-hearted sweetness and your caring is still given,
The tenderness of your smile lifts me through your eyes sparkling joy all the while,
Into the goodness and truth of your love which has made everything worthwhile -
In beatitudes of blessedness her soul among spiritual wonders is flowing,
From this earthen world where our short lives are given to learning love's ineffable knowing,
She dances in the heavenly realms where her abundance of delight is resounding,
And she is yet beside me now with her love shining and abounding -
I am found
On the inside of my every breath she has written 'I love you' -
An energetic vibration of the highest measure which my heart sings each moment anew,
Relativity and quantum science attest this as the only joy existentially-fundamentally true,
Even the Divine has so much love for her that I can feel their happiness coming through -
And the gnarled old Elm by the river started talking to me today,
Deep in my heart with a wordless voice I could feel her wise-peaceful words say,
That my memories of love across the moments passed are not merely dreams of yore,
They are gateways to the sacred spaces of love's presence that our soul's were made for -
Love is here
We would not be parted in this life nor broken beyond the rainbows of rising,
For we have traveled lifetimes together to find our home in love's grace ever arising,
And composed of finer stuff she has gone ahead stepping lightly across star-ways before me,
Whilst I reconcile the cloud of earth-mind unknowing that our hearts transcend together free -
And I can see
Thinly veiled in matter a while our soul's weave enchantments through our lives,
Which transform our yearning for love into the undefinable light where our true selves arise,
Like a metaphysical mystery play steeped in many layers of meaning,
We follow a curve of perpetual challenge until awoken from the dreaming -
A new reality
Yesterday you came to me as an ever so gentle light glowing near,
Other times you illuminate my soul and give my spirit wings to fly here,
Seeing by heart sight overcomes all the obfuscations that the body-life knows,
And your essential soul presence rings like a silent bell so soft through the air it flows -
We have gathered throughout our many lives and now you are ascended,
I prepare my spirit for the voyage to our soul love's absolute reunion as always intended,
And at the final crossing of consciousness as the warp and weave of earth mind fall behind,
I join you here and now in the spiritual light where our eternal happiness we find,
In love's awakening -
Art - She Who Leads co Nicholas Roerich.
Nicholas Roerich was a Russian painter, writer, archaeologist, theosophist, philosopher. Roerich claimed that his spiritual masters, the "Mahatmas" in the Himalayas, were communicating telepathically with him, through his wife, Helena, who was a mystic and a clairvoyant. Helena Roerich's diaries,
which were published, contain the transcribed messages she received between 1920 and 1944
from the 'astral plane' that were transmitted by spiritual Masters to whom the Roerich's devoted
themselves and their workπ✨✨✨
The Elm is a wonderful being. Interestingly, in Celtic mythology the Elm tree is associated with the Underworld or afterlife and with the Elves who were said to guard the passage into the afterlife. The Elm tree also energizes and balances the mind and heart, protects love and aids in sharpening of the psychic powers. The Elm then, who is usually thought of as feminine, is a very relevant soul to share such insightful messages π³❤️π
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