You ring the heavenly harmonic and your heart-song illuminates my loving,
Yours the note which evokes eternal joy and sets my soul in gladness growing -
Your love is the sacred flower which unfolding brings my understanding to overflowing,
To be awakened to this love is a transformation ongoing -
From the many blessings you continue to share I can never be apart,
As the overtones of your loving kindness and your spiritual presence are where we start -
You bring renewed intuition, inspiration and love to my voyage of devotion to the true,
To open my heart and mind to this ethereal journey is to be in the heavens with you -
To complain of the years taken although my heart was conquered by your true love sublime,
Would be to miss the blessing of this metaphysical adventure that is continuing and forever yours and mine -
Walking in spirit here and now among the eternity of the all-love divine,
Your perfect love transmits sacred sunshine that the sovereign soul may realign -
And as the golden energy of your loving nearness flows into my being,
I give myself over completely to our infinity and the mystery of true-heart seeing -
Letting your love guide me as we dance in this garden of existential light,
Our spirits in transcendence cross the bridge, follow the path and open the gateway bright -
Stepping beyond earthly ways into the heart of this loving universe every day,
Together united in spirit still because in trusting the love we have found another way -
Bringing a little of your deeply joyful serenity back to this Earth with me,
By placing my awareness upon your energetic love vibration that within the heart I can see -
Oh my dearly beloved one you have graduated and arisen from this earthly endeavor,
And are now at home in the higher realms of the infinitude of love without meter or measure -
Your heart-song of the dancing divinity and of the questing joy that comprises you and me,
Overflows with loving-kindness and generosity helping others to see -
These truths are my bridges built by our love carrying my heart to yours in the light,
Which transform the heart's perception and reveal the greater love underscored with delight -
The magnificent goodness of your joyful presence helping love awareness everywhere growing,
Into the surging tide of ineffable light the pure loveness divine and forever flowing -

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