Following my beloved wife Wendy passing away in October 2019 due to cancer, I have been trying to understand in a spiritual context what it means for us, how can I carry on and will we be reunited in some sence in the hereafter. Looking outside the box of our physical reality is an essential for me on this path of enquiry as Wendy's spirit and love which I still feel to be with me now are not bound in matter.
art co brigitte finch
I already knew that we are part of the same 'Soul Group' sharing our life path, outlook and helping each other with our life lessons. Within that Soul Group I also know that we are Soul Mates - a partnership formed in heaven if you will and more than that I feel that we are Twin Flames - two souls cast from the same originating Soul higher up in the procedures. I found it helpful to explore what is 'known' of the Seven Heavens and the voyage of the Soul in the Afterlife, as it proceeds along its way to fulfilling its Soul Purpose, which is to travel various paths of learning and evolution until eventually joining in oneness with the infnite Creator spirit. So we are Twin Flames and Soul Mates, from a Soul Group who are sharing learnings and supporting each other along the way to find ultimate fulfilment of our Soul Purpose..
These outlooks have proven to be wonderfully uplifting and they help me to cope with my newly bereaved circumstances, but they did little to assuage the pain and grief that arises from the inability to find any meaning or frame of reference within which to reconcile the why. Why did this terminal cancer happen to her-to us, we have lived healthy loving lives full of care and compassion for ourselves, for each other and for others - our lives reflect this in the social, creative, supportive works that we have undertaken throughout.
Then I researched what is 'known' of the 'Soul Plan'. This comprises our individual Soul's plan for what we hope to learn and acheive whilst living in this particular physical incarnation, this life on earth. More specifically in my case I wanted to find some context for how our deaths can be a part of that Soul Plan. I found a small number of authors and councellors who address these isues in a way that resonates with me as meaningful and share some of Mark Pitstick's views from his website here.
I caution the reader however that this outlook indicates our Soul's have in most instances and in a spiritual sense chosen the manner of their death. This could be to facilitate an advancement in their learning for the evolution of their Soul along its path to the Soul Purpose. As the partner of one who has left this life before me in unexpected medical circumstances, I am also interested to find the conjecture that as a part of her Soul Group I at some level had agreed to support her in the chosen method of departure from the physical realm.
If the reader finds this difficult to grasp concept overwhelmingly objectionable, I urge them to read no further - my intent is not to add to anyones grief or upset.
On the other hand however I have shared the views given here precisely because I personally find them to be hopeful and helpful. They relieve me of much existential distress which they replace in part with a view that enfolds all of the circumstances of our lives and our deaths in love.
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Soul Proof;
Imagine how wonderful life would be if you 'really knew' without a doubt that no one really dies. How reassuring it would be if irrefutable evidence could prove that we each are indestructible spiritual beings having a temporary earthly experience. For thousands of years spiritual masters have taught this message. More recently scientific studies, clinical evidence, and numerous firsthand experiences (ie Near Death Experiences & after death medium accounts) strongly indicate that our life is part of a totally safe and magnificent ongoing adventure within and throughout eternity!
Dr. Mark Pitstick presents his views on these matters in his book 'Soul Proof'.
We Are An Integral Part Of The Universe;
Tragedies and suffering are most haunting when we view life from a duality perspective. Dualism is the belief that life is divided, that we truly are separate from others and from the Life Source. Einstein considered the belief that we are separate from the rest of creation to be an optical delusion. When we believe only what our five senses report, we are trapped in dualist beliefs. We may then suffer from illusions that restrict our perception of what reality really is - how far and on how many levels it reaches beyond our physically based awareness. Even though our five senses are amazing it is a scientific fact that they detect much less than 1% of reality. It is as though we have looked at life through a tiny pinhole and then wondered why it doesn’t make sense. The more we may 'see' beyond our five senses perhaps by means of inner sight, intuition, spiritual perception etc, the greater our awareness that all life is interconnected, ever expanding, and never-ending.
The Authors Views or Insights Are Inspired By;
Near-death experiencers, particularly those with deeper visits into the Light
Authentic mediums who accurately communicate details from guides, angels, and those who have passed on
Spiritual / religious teachings about a meaning and timing to all life events
Common reports from Life Between Lives experiences – long hypnotic sessions in which subjects recall life details before coming to Earth
Philosophical views about the best way Infinite Intelligence might design life
Everything I’ve learned and thought in over 40 years of researching topics about life, death, and afterlife
Meaningful or Chaotic Universe;
Life can be viewed as either:
(1). meaningful and purposeful, or
(2). chaotic and random.
If we choose the former and there’s good evidence for that perspective, then from where and from whom does the meaning and purpose stem? Some find peace in the answer that those aspects come from selfless service to others. Others feel that the “meaning and purpose department” is staffed by an all-knowing God. Still others prefer a model that our souls choose events that will result in optimal growth. Each of those answers may be like the blind men’s descriptions of the elephant. Perhaps they each are true, but only partially so.
Pre Birth Life Planning;
Let’s consider two extremes.
Beginner souls are just learning their way around the block, so to speak. They may not ask for, let alone follow, wise guidance. Once on Earth, they may completely ignore the little guidance they did absorb. They may totally go off plan and, as a result, their lives can become chaotic.
Advanced souls, on the other hand, understand the importance of seeking wise counsel and following it to the best of their ability. As a result, they may be quite adept at successful planning and fulfilling of their soul’s missions. This explains why pre-birth planning, and following through on those ideals, does not optimally occur to the same degree for everyone.
Questions & Answers;
1. Are the events that happen while I am on Earth planned?
Yes, but not all of them. Only key events—from the soul’s perspective—appear to be pre-planned. Things that seem major to a human may be of no consequence from the soul’s perspective. Conversely, minor occurrences—at least from an earthly viewpoint— may be planned since they may be quite important for the soul.
2. If so, who does the planning? God? Your angels and guides? Your soul?
Ideally, by all of the above after collaborating to plan an optimal earth-experience. More mature souls use the wisdom of their higher energy assistants / assistance (angels, guides, master teachers, soul mates, evolved energies, the Light) and design key life events accordingly. However, beginner souls– less advanced or aware parts of All That Is, may not recognize the importance of listening to others. Like impulsive or rebellious children, less mature beings may make impulsive or questionable decisions. That is their choice, of course, for we live in a free-will Universe. However, they also must bear responsibility for the results of their choices. That’s how they learn about the law of cause and effect and, thus, the wisdom of seeking wise counsel and right living.
3. To what degree are events planned? Are they completely determined, or is just the possibility of certain outcomes designed?
As I understand it, pre-planning by the soul consists of likelihoods. Events aren’t set up as completely predetermined, but exist more as potentialities. Here’s my best current understanding about how it works. Let’s say my soul wanted to grow in patience and compassion as the main goals for this earthly incarnation.
My soul may have set up a possibility of being severely injured. The long recovery and immobility phases could set the stage for developing the desired personality improvements (presumably including such aspects as patience, acceptance, understanding). I’ve certainly had my chances of this occurring.
A minority of life events are established by souls as absolutes rather than possibilities. For example, consider the outcome if a soul chose to be born into a body deformed by Thalidomide, Paxil, or another drug with serious potential side-effects. That soul chose an occurrence that was a certainty, that is, an irreversible physical abnormality.
4. Do souls always succeed with their plans, or do they sometimes fail?
The level of a soul’s advancement determines whether and to what degree its purposes are reached. Beginner souls are less adept at realizing and demonstrating how much they co-create their lives. Advanced souls have more experience in this regard. By the way, there is no hierarchy to or vanity in being a more evolved soul. Every part of creation and every stage of development is recognized as important.
5. Can pre-birth planning be changed and, if so, by whom?
Indications are that soul planning can be changed, and the soul always has a role in that decision. Higher energy assistants may strongly suggest an alteration of plans, but the soul retains free will to listen or not. A soul’s emphases might shift, goals may be reached sooner than expected, or supporting cast members may not fulfill their parts. Any of these can necessitate a change in the script. It’s very much like a movie or theatrical play. To extend that analogy, you are the writer, producer, director, and star of your life’s story. You determine whether your life is most like a tragedy, quirky comedy, repetitive melodrama, or exciting and successful adventure. It often happens that the personality gets off track and, with the soul’s consent, original plans need to be modified.
6. Why would souls choose to experience illness, disability, broken relationships, financial loss, and other forms of suffering?
This is a very important question. From a self-centered human perspective, only a lunatic would choose suffering. There are a few sides to this one, so stay with me..
First, realize that time is a human construct. From an earthly perspective, time seems to move very slowly, for example, when you are in severe pain or missing a loved one whose body has died. However the collective evidence shows that this earthly life, even if it’s one hundred difficult years, is but a blink of an eye in the span of eternity. So, is it worth a relatively few moments of challenges to learn and serve others? Some Souls apparently think so.
Next, remember that not all suffering is pre-planned on a Soul level. You can’t know what is and what isn’t without the benefit of an evidential medium, hypnosis session, or other way to evaluate. It’s difficult to estimate since a Soul’s perspective is so different from that of humans.
It’s said that when he was asked why there is so much suffering, the Buddha answered: To grow and serve others. Over time, various cultures have taught that suffering is grace and that we shouldn’t question God’s will. Native Americans had mystery bags in which they symbolically stored what puzzled them at the time. At a later date, they re-examined the event to see if it made more sense. Other cultures have recognized the X-factor and value of the unknowable in life. These viewpoints recognize that human perspectives can fail to capture the meaning and timing of life events.
Suffering can have many layers of meaning. Thirty-five year-old Mary, a wife and mother of three young children, developed breast cancer. After receiving the best that medical / disease care has to offer, surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy, she died. From a limited human perspective, that certainly seemed to be a horrible occurrence. From a greater reality viewpoint however, her illness and death may have been pre-planned by her Soul so that:
*her husband and children might be more motivated to search for meaning and remember who they are (at a spiritual level)
*caregivers could develop their skills by working with her
*estranged family members would reunite
*more people can learn the importance of healthy, chemical-free food, water, cleaning, and body care products that don’t pollute them and our planet
*others might realize the wisdom of using preventive and natural healing methods instead of relying on dangerous approaches after a crisis occurs
*her soul could take an early exit and turn the page in life’s eternal book
We can’t fathom the degree of love, wisdom, and caring inherent in every aspect of the cosmos. Perhaps those words will help when you are trying to understand life’s most difficult quandaries.
David Cousins - Lightworker and Author says in his book A Handbook for Light Workers;
'Transmuting slow frequency energies can be done through a normal healthy body. But some Light Workers who have agreed to work with planetary energy, take on cancer or leukaemia in order to draw that negative energy into their system... Once their system has absorbed as much negative energy as they can handle, they transmute it by the process of their physical death. He says of that ths is a deliberate act of (healing) love for the planet.
8. Is suicide preplanned?
As with murder, the reasons for and wisdom behind suicides can vary greatly. Suicide among young people is alarmingly common these days. When I speak to groups of bereaved / shining light parents, about 20% of their children died this way. (The term shining light parent describes the potential for bereaved parents to realize their children really are shining lights now. This upgraded perspective can assist them in moving beyond the pain of severe grief more quickly and easily.)
My current understanding is that souls do not plan to definitely die by suicide. However, they may pre-plan the possibility of suicide to:
*allow very old people to die with more dignity versus slowly vegetating
*help souls who died by suicide in another time / place to experience the devastation caused when loved ones die that way
*keep the infirm person from draining resources of family, tribe, or country
*create an exit point to move into the next phase of life
*help warn others about factors that may negatively impact the body and brain: potentially harmful prescription drugs, vaccinations, excess heavy metals and chemicals, chronic stress, and agri-business produced foods. In my opinion, these are some of the causative factors in the high suicide rate among young people.
*bring attention to the paradox that we mercifully euthanize our pets, but humans must suffer horribly and slowly decay away. Bioethics haven’t caught up with technological advances that can keep people alive way beyondany semblance of quality living.
(there is more on this on the authors web page).
SOURCE; Soul Proof ( Did my soul REALLY choose all this?)
Mark Pitstick, MA, DC is an author, master’s clinical psychologist, holistic chiropractic physician and webinar/workshop facilitator. He directs The Soul Phone Foundation and founded Greater Reality Living Groups. He says 'My remarks are based on over forty-seven years of study, training, personal experience, and professional service. Extensive clinical, scientific, and empirical evidence supports much, but not all, of what I say.'
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For myself this explanation of the Soul Plan as it relates to death, whilst not widely heard of in the popular media or outside spiritual and new age circles, does nevertheless ring true. I believe that whilst specifics of the details may not be exact or correct, how could they be given the context of the subject matter, but the gist and spirit of the outlook does seem likely - that our Souls are co creative partners in their own evolution along the path to fulfilment of their Souls Purpose.
This view rather than seeing terminal illness or other end of life events as creating victims of their subjects, turns tables on their death experience and spiritually empowers our departed loved ones in the process. Although the reasons for such a choice remain beyond me, that Wendy's Soul chose her path and my Soul agreed to support her, is in some way a great comfort.
I hope that some others may find comfort and release from their grief and loss in this outlook too, that light and love will uplift and inspire.
Best Wishes
art co brigitte finch
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