The Soul Plan - A Lesson In Love;
On the intangible pathway of the soul,
Here is the most marvellous of all mysteries -
Reaching across creation in whole,
Our love dances across every possibility -
The events of our lives are self chosen,
For spirit heart mind learning on soul pathways.
And the Eternal would teach us compassion and grace,
That Ultimate love be our most joyful embrace.
A divinely inspired, self empowering spiritual interface -
That we chose to live in this here and now,
To meet in this where and when, how to die also -
The Omniscient for the growth of soul love, agreed this life plan somehow.
Every achievement or despair a lesson on our hearts bough,
And we balance our spirits learning with love -
To understand this soul love, in earthly lives we manifest,
Overcoming all grief and pain with gratitude for love's learning as professed.
My opened heart a gateway beyond all dreams and yearning,
I follow your love on my spiritual quest,
To cherish the presence of your love forever -
There are points the Universal Soul will teach us,
So that the love may to every spiritual depth outreach -
There is no spiritual separation, duality or loss to impeach,
Only the infinite expression of divine love.
This is what the heart words are telling -
Find then the light of the love in your heart -
Build a bridge of understanding or drop your mind-stream,
However unworldly or strange the soul plan for your life may seem.
For beyond all the physics and faith stepping further, love is the irrefutable real,
Everything else either persues or upholds this sacred ideal -
Reconciling mortal mind by soul felt intuition and subtle heart perception,
Inner peace and a deep sense of your love abide here.
This is the souls consciousness within, the infinite love equation,
No more suffering for our souls do not know fear,
Wisdom and love with you ever cohere -
My beloved said that she came to this life to awaken,
That we may know ourselves as the divine in spirit dancing.
To deepen our compassion and to share the eternal light of our love.
With infinite gratitude and unending thanks to your true soul above,
My heart to your heart in the most sacred pathway of love -
This poem springs from my heart mind following my recent reading of Robert Schwartz' book 'Your Soul's Plan' in which with the the help of mediums he communicates with persons souls to discuss how their lives had come to experience great hardships and challenges.
The astonishing outlook they offer is that the souls themselves, in agreement with those of the key participants in their ensuing earth lives, have chosen and agreed to support each other with the difficulties they experience such as blindness, illness and death. In the conrtext of our souls being infinite in nature, the experiences and cost of our brief human lives is not so insurmountable in nature against the lessons they may learn during each life, this view is acceptable if the soul has so chosen.
I feel a great affinity with this book because it empowers the souls who otherwise may appear to be victims blighted by lifes cruelties - Instead they are presented as souls persuing by agreement with their companion souls such as myself the challenges of lifes hardships and death as a method of soul learning to develop greater compassion and love for all beings. ''Earth primarily serves the function of teaching you to let go of fear and (to) love unconditionally'' Spirit Guide as channeled by the Medium Staci Wells in the book.
''(Life) is not a, random, haphazard occurance filled with meaningless suffering, but rather a well conceived plan rich with purpose. We who live such plans are more than a mere assemblage of minerals; we are our souls. And as souls, we are eternal.'' Robert Schwartz.
''(Life) is not a, random, haphazard occurance filled with meaningless suffering, but rather a well conceived plan rich with purpose. We who live such plans are more than a mere assemblage of minerals; we are our souls. And as souls, we are eternal.'' Robert Schwartz.
In such a remarkable universe that we exist within, this view presents a wider outlook of a loving Creator who supports us in co-creating our own paths of spiritual evolution.
Best Wishes All xx
art co brigitte devaia jost
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