Saturday, February 8, 2020

The Only Thing True / Poem

Here and now is the only place that really matters,
the spiritually minded repeatedly say.
Be free in this moment for the past or the yet to come
have no inherent meaning, will lead you astray...

All else is conjecture, delusion, projection,
an imagination to cast aside and thus live for the day.
But this here and now is so much more,
step through the heart into the secret of the way -

Here cosmic orders of being, light and divine love,
dance forever in the most sublime and joyful of play,
Here may appear sometimes physical yes,
but there's more spiritual bliss to this existence everyday.

For this here and now is also emotional and electromagnetic
in some hithertoo fathomless way,
biochemical yet spiritual, subatomic but transcendental,
it is incandescent, luminous, shining and free -
This here and now stretches from where you are precisely,
to the farthest four corners of the unchartable eternal infinity -

This here and now is peopled with all kinds of proclivities,
of creatures, plants and bacterium,
of bank accounts, background radiation and beatitudes too,
With exoplanets, neutron stars and phantasmagoric galaxies,
universes expanding into the unimaginable,
the warp and weave of cosmic whatness through and through..

This here and now is bursting at the seams
with its bubbling of energies, emotions and concepts,
the leaping of thought forms and light bodies,
choirs of subtle spirits who are singing to you -
With angels of devotion gentle, bright and loving,
with my hearts most cherished beloved
and her most beautiful dreams,
of divine light and eternal love coming true....

This here and now like my love without end,
comes from the heart of infinity where it is ever with you -
This here and now is indeed the only place that matters -
and our love is the only thing true

art co peter christiansen finch

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