Sunday, February 2, 2020

Soul Groups, Soul Mates & Twin Flames / Post

Soul Groups, Soul Mates & Twin Flames

The matter of how deeply our Souls may be connected to each other and wether true love will be reunited after death has been in my heart-mind for some time. Following the death of my beloved wife who is the love of my life, I have explored some of the current thinking on Soul Groups, Soul Mates & Twin Flames and share here a compilation of those thoughts. With gratitude to all the sources I have drawn from, credit is given to each author plus a link to their post at the end of each quote used.

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On Soul Groups / Spirit Families;

Have you ever come across a person who you feel as though you’ve known “forever,” even if you’ve just met them, a person who you immediately connect with, without knowing why? These people who we connect with on a deep heart level are part of what is known as our 'Soul Group' or 'Soul Family'.

A Soul Group is comprised of a group of people that your Soul energetically resonates with on a mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual level at any given moment. These people are members of the same 'Spirit Family' as you and they share an intensely strong bond with you that transcends time and space itself. Intuitively, most people tend to describe this connection as sharing the same “frequency” or “vibration” because of the deep harmony felt among such people.

Such a deep and harmonious connection goes beyond sharing the same surface-based personality tastes, hobbies and opinions: it’s an intense magnetic and spiritual bond you will feel that is inexplicable to the mind. Therefore, your Soul Group is often described as being comprised of Souls that are cut from the same “energetic cloth” as you. But this deep connection isn’t necessarily romantic. Essentially, a Soul connection happens when two people of the same vibrational frequency energetically overlap and share each other’s thoughts, feelings, values, and dreams.  Although you might come from different cultures, races, or opposite backgrounds, you will immediately sense an ancient and strong connection in your bones, blood, and very Soul. For some people meeting members of the Soul Group will feel like heaven, as can be seen in the case of Soulmate and Twin Flame encounters.

Metaphysically speaking, Soul Groups are a natural product of the “flow” of Spirit. If you look at the Ocean, you’ll notice that sometimes clusters of waves arise. The same goes for Soul Groups: we are all Spirit, but we are also broken down into many different Soul Groups. These Soul Groups carry out certain roles, namely, to help each other embody the purpose of their Souls. In other words, your Soul Family is here to to catalyze your spiritual awakening, to help you learn, grow, and experience what ancient traditions have referred to as “moksha”, self-realization or enlightenment.

Historically, Soul Groups that gained a lot of force and traction created drastic social changes. Take, for instance, the Creative Renaissance, that was composed of figures such as Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael, Machiavelli, Thomas More, Copernicus, Francis Bacon, Galileo, Martin Luther and William Shakespeare.

There was also the Spiritual Renaissance that was composed of figures such as Gautama Buddha, Mahavira, Makkhali Gosala, and Ajita Kesakambali. In China, there was Confucius, Lao Tzu, Mencius, Chuang Tzu, Lieh Tzu, and in Greece there was Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Heraclitus, and Pythagoras. All of these individuals interacted with each other in different ways that were necessary for a revolution to occur.

Each of these Soul Groups has expanded our collective growth and evolutionary progress. Not only that, but each coming generation will bring in waves of powerful and transformative energies that are built upon the previous progress of earlier Soul Families. By finding your Soul Group, you grow at not only an individual level but also a collective level. Each plan, each path, is equally as important in the overall evolution of the whole.
Source = Mateo Sol / 12 Signs You’ve Met Someone From Your Soul Group

art co birgitte fich = seven archangels
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On the Soul Mate; 

The term “Soul Mate” dates all the way back to Plato. It is a generic word for a close loved one. But the phrase soul mate itself was first recorded in 1822, when the poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge wrote in a letter, “To be happy in Married Life . . . you must have a Soul-mate.” In today’s vernacular, the word soul mate has come to assume a much more intimate nature. A 2016 soul mate is (often refered to or thought to be synonymous with) a more mystical co-mingling of heart and soul into a “twin flame.” Those who are soul mates today are destined to be together for eternity.
Source = Laurie Burrows / How To Go On After Your Soulmate Dies

A Soul Mate doesn’t necessarily indicate a connection that is romantic or sexual, they could simply just be the best friend you’ve ever had or even other family members. Alternately, sometimes these Soul Mate relationships are romantic and sexual and we form life partnerships. This is a totally different feeling and experience than just being with someone you love.  The shorthand Soul Mates often use to describe one another is “the love of my life.”
Source = Veena Sidhu / Love In The AfterLife  

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Some Soul Mates are not meant to have a long lasting connection in this lifetime. They might meet at a crossroads to help each other when one of them is supposed to make a difficult decision or take a new direction.  Sometimes the connection is very short and the relationship is an opportunity to learn lessons, but is not meant to last.

On the other hand, some lucky people get to share many years of their lives with their Soul Mate
. They experience a deep and abiding love and feel connected to each other in every possible way.  It seems like heaven on earth – but there’s a downside to that too. Losing someone who has been your perfect partner, (possibly they are even) your Twin Flame, in life is so very painful.

My friend’s parents were married for over 50 years before her father died. “Our love went very deep,” her mother often says. “The pain of losing him goes just as deep. But I know we will be together again.” She’s right! You will be connected with your Soul Mate in Heaven. Of course you will. You belong together. Your Soul Mate is always with you throughout your life, and you will be reunited when you pass over. In the meantime, your Soul Mate is watching over you, protecting you, helping you as you do the work you are meant to be here to do, and waiting for that time when you will be together again.
Source = Mat Fraser / SoulMates DO Reunite  

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On The Twin Soul / Twin Flame

People from our designated Soul Groups are those that we have a Soul Contract with and are supposed to be part of our learning journey on this earth.  Sometimes we also agree to team up with these souls in order to create and bring new innovation to earth. When our soul comes to earth (however) not all of our energy (necessarily) enters into our body. The rest of our energy can remain in higher realms or it can be transferred into another body.

When you have two bodies with the same soul energy, it is referred to as Twin Flame. While everyone has soul energy left in higher realms that they are connected to, having a Twin Flame on Earth can be pretty rare. Reincarnating into two different bodies is often a lot of hard work for a soul, which is why it is often only seen in advanced souls that are looking to come to Earth for rapid learning. Twin Flames may find each other during their time on Earth, but the purpose of their connection is not just romantic as commonly believed, it is often for a higher cause and to impart knowledge and wisdom to Earth.
Source = Tanaaz / The 5 Soul Groups You Belong To

Someone’s Twin Soul is someone they’re quantumly entangled with. We now know particles can somehow be invisibly linked to each other across vast distances. Einstein called it spooky action at a distance. The idea of Twin Souls is also found in the Zohar, a mystical Jewish text. It teaches that before God sends souls into the world, they are formed in male and female pairs. Once on Earth, these souls are then rejoined by God at the right time, this is the point of meeting your twin soul. Just by working as a team, both of you will naturally reach new levels of consciousness, and both of you will naturally raise the consciousness of those around you. This relationship is meant to be beneficial to the world.
Source = Nick Hinton / twitter thread

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On The Death Of A Twin Flame

When a Twin Flame dies, the awakened twin can go back into soul shock for a period of time.  What you have to remember is the fact that despite your relationship with your Twin Flame in this life, your souls are always joined.  When your Twin Flame dies — you will always feel a deep sense of loss, It’s a soul shock. Since twin flames are always together in spirit, whether they both realize it or not—it’s imperative to know that death actually will bring your Twin Flame closer to you.  You may be wondering how this happens or how it is possible — but when you stop to actually think of it, it makes a lot of sense. Your Twin Flame is forever with you, we just (temporarily) live in a physical body!
Source = What happens when a twin flame dies?

Whether you know it or not, you are a multidimensional being of staggering proportions. You are more than meets the eye, much more — more than your body, more than your soul, in fact, you are an integral part of the Universe. You are present on many levels of reality simultaneously and more powerful than you have ever imagined.
Source = Poonam Bharti Kryon / SoulMates, Soul Family, Soul Groups, Twin Flames 

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I share the belief that Soul Groups/Soul Families exist, that they support each other along their paths to fulfil their Soul Purpose, and within such Soul Groups, Soul Mates & Twin Flames love each other now and forever. I conclude this fascinating account with a reminder that we are all so much more than we may currently think or be aware of and as such, there is every reason for us all to live in hope and joy and to continue along our own paths towards fulfulment of our own ultimate Soul Purpose with love.

Best Wishes All xx

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