Connecting With Your Spiritual Guides;
I have very kindly been given permission by author Pamela Kribbe to share this chapter from her book 'Heart Centered Living'. I am sharing it specifically because it will help to clear up the confusion people may have about being intouch with their 'departed' loved ones in spirit.
In this channeling I wish to speak about how you can receive guidance from the spiritual realm. During your life on earth you mistakenly see yourself as a limited human being in need of higher guidance from some superior being. This point of view starts you off at the wrong foot when you try to get in touch with your guides. It's important to let that thought go, and i'd like to explain why.
Roughly speaking, spirit beings can dwell in two types of realm or planes of existence. As a human, you can connect to both realms. The first one is the astral realm, close to earth. This is the place where many disembodied spirits dwell after they die, if they are not able to set themselves free from their past life on earth. These beings are not embodied any more at the physical level, but they do have (etehreal) bodies and very human emotions. Often, they feel confused and in need of love and recognition. They are not ''evil'', but they certainly aren't to be looked up to as spiritual teachers or guides. In connecting with them, you may feel some of the fearful emotions they live through.
Spiritual guides ((on the other hand, or more advanced souls)) never speak the language of fear; nor do they command or push you in any way. Their energy feels light, gentle and inviting. They do not dwell in the astral plane, close to earth. They are part of the spiritual realm, as I call it, or the realm of Oneness. The energy there is much more detached from earth and the emotions generated by living in duality. The realm of Oneness is were you come from; it is your home. You are connected with it through your heart. The connection is always there, wether you are aware of it or not. It may be obscured by your fear, self doubt or lack of hope. But the connection is always there. You are and will forever remain an angelic being from the realm of Oneness who chose to descend on earth.
Spiritual guides ((on the other hand, or more advanced souls)) never speak the language of fear; nor do they command or push you in any way. Their energy feels light, gentle and inviting. They do not dwell in the astral plane, close to earth. They are part of the spiritual realm, as I call it, or the realm of Oneness. The energy there is much more detached from earth and the emotions generated by living in duality. The realm of Oneness is were you come from; it is your home. You are connected with it through your heart. The connection is always there, wether you are aware of it or not. It may be obscured by your fear, self doubt or lack of hope. But the connection is always there. You are and will forever remain an angelic being from the realm of Oneness who chose to descend on earth.
From your heart there is a direct, ''horizontal'' link to the spiritual realm of your guides. There is no hierarchy between them and you. The guides who accompany you in your earthly life are not ''higher up the ladder'' than you. You are equals in the realm of Oneness. The only diference is that at this time they are not embodied as a human being. So they are not bothered by the foggy and heavy energy of the earth realm that you are coping with now. Your guides are your friends and companions. Do not view them as your teacher or guru. They are like brothers and sisters who remind you of home. Felling the energy of home reminds you of who you are; an angelic being trying to emboy the reality of Oneness in a realm that has forgotten about it.
What do the guides do? They inspire you to trust the wisdom of your own heart. They never try to push you or force you into anything. The energy of a true guide feels joyful, light and clear Guides from the realm of Oneness have a delightful sense of humour; they like to share a joke with you . Because of the plane of existence they operate from, they offer wider perspective which can help you look at situations more light-heartedly. Also, guides are very patient. Their persepctive on time is very different than yours. They help you realize that it is your inner development that counts, not what society expects from you at some point in time. They can accept it fully if you repeatedly choose a painful experience over a joyful one. They are wise and know that finding your true path will only happen after you make some pretty grand detours first. They never tire of encouraging and inspiring you along the way.
Your guides dwell in a realm of timelessness and unconditional love. In being with you, they do not have a specific blueprint in mind; there are no deadlines, no timetables for you to keep. They are present with an ongoing deep and caring love. Actually, the challenge for you in connecting with your guides is to be able to receive this kind of love. The art of receiving messages from your guides is the art of opening yourself to unconditional love.
Trusting your first impressions;
As you try to open up to guidance, you often receive glimpses of light and reassurance from them. But your inner critic gets in the way, and your thinking starts to interfere. You tell yourself; ''I am making it all up. So you push aside your fist impressions. And you ask yourself if theres a certain technique you should learn to get in touch with your guides. You dont trust your first impressions, but they are often true and valuable; In wanting to connect with your guides, dare to be open like a child. Do not censure yourself, dare to think big and receive big.
The moment your mind interferes with the process, infused as it is with energies of fear and distrust, the energy becomes heavier and you lose touch with the ease and lightness wich belong to the realm of Oneness. It cannot be comprehended by your usual frame of refference. Just try to consistently hold on to your first impression, the glimpse that you get in opening up to your guide. To open up to the realm of Oneness dosent require any techniques; it asks of you to let go of fear and remember your true origin.
You often feel that your own thinking is driving you mad. However, what is really driving you mad is the energy of fear and distrust that is running through your thinking. Thinking can be useful, if it follows the flow of the heart, supporting it instead of obstructing it. The faculty of thought and language can help you put your intuitions and inner awareness into words, so that you can communicate them to other humans. The kind of thinking that you are used to is not natural. You are by and large taught to use thinking as a way of controlling your life, your emotions and your environment. Do not judge your mind as such. It can be a useful tool. Ask your thinking to help you put into words what you are sensing when you open up to Oneness. Put the mind to good use instead of fighting it.
Connecting with your giuides is like returning home for a little while, dipping into the realm of Oneness and remebering. When you do that you realize that truly, you are your own guide. All the wisdom you seek is there in your own heart. It is okay to let your guides help you remember it. They represent the true you for you in moments of darkness. But as soon as you emerge in the light, connecting with the realm of Oneness, you realize that of course, you know it all yourself. The guides are a stand-in for your true Self so to speak and once you cast of the veil of illusion, you recognise them as dearly loved family members.
If you want to know wether the connection you feel with your guides is real, look at what it does too you emotionally. True contact is marked by emotions of joy, warmth and relief. Tears may run down your cheeks, as you realize what hom feels like, and how you've missed it. These are tears of joy, because you are reconnecting to home in that very instant and once you know the energy of our true self, it will be easier the next time to come back to it.
In this moment, I invite you to remember yourself as the spiritual being that you are. You do not need anyone outside you to tell you what to do. Nonetheless, I am willing to represent the face of your own true wisdom for you. Look at me now, with your inner eye. See me as you want to. Allow your imagination to conjure up an image of me. Any image will do. Man, woman, or child. A blue sky, a huge tree, a bird or shining stone. I will go with any form. My energy does not depend on any material shape or body. Neither does yours. So allow yourself to play with images in your head. Its okay. You cannot go wrong. Then, as you see me, open up to my essence. If I have eyes, look into them. Feel me. Can you receive me? I want to tell you of love, ever present for you. I want to tell you of kindness and forgiveness. If its easier for you to have me, Jeshua, tell you that you are innocent and lovely, then see me as someone outside of you. But remember, we share the same divine core, we are One.''
Pamela Kribbe channeling Jeshua in Heart Centered Living Pages 87-90
Here is their website The Jeshua Channelings
Here is their website The Jeshua Channelings
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I am very grateful to Pamela Kribbe for allowing me to share this chapter 🙏
For more insight on trusting your Intuition in regard of your non physical perceptions, I recommend chapter 6 of Pamela Kribbe's book The Forbidden Female Speaks, Conversations With Mary Magdalene, 'Female Wisdom - Intuition Restored'.
For more insight on trusting your Intuition in regard of your non physical perceptions, I recommend chapter 6 of Pamela Kribbe's book The Forbidden Female Speaks, Conversations With Mary Magdalene, 'Female Wisdom - Intuition Restored'.
art co birgitte devaia jost = jesus & mary magdelene
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