Is only bearable because I know you are with me in spirit energetically -
The end of this life is not the end of our love but the start of something greater,
Into the abyss of this unknowingness I leap with only our love as guiding navigator -
I shift from the physical to the inner realm where the truth of love is all,
I have no earthly desire nor worry now as this world without you does not hold any thrall -
For your love I look within as outward eyes do not see the real perception,
Because physical senses are but tools to convert lower vibrations of matter into coded forms of reception -
Your spirit of love is a higher vibration which flows from the heart of your non-physical soul,
This can only be understood by the heart-mind of love which is the joy of creation in whole -
Our love dispells the clouds of unknowing as I perceive that you are near,
Our love lifts my soul and my heart's eyes to your presence, I believe that you are already here -
To always weep over your death I would be forever lost in illusions of the earthly realm,
Your body-death stole your body away but your spirit lives on by the grace of the infinite hearts helm -
I follow the golden thread of your love beyond body-death into our luminously bright forevers,
I follow our love across the river of earthly understanding on the wings of my uplifted soul feathers -
You have gone before me in spirit but your love illuminates my soul-path every day,
Although I miss your worldly self yet you are with me still and in every moment I am on my way -
I witness that on this sacred path of loves endlessness all the wonders come to pass,
I witness that for those who follow the love beyond all worldly things they will find love eternal at last -
Our souls are transdimensional creatures of light bringing love's understanding to all,
In the infinite realm of the here and beyond this love guides us through every wherewithall -
I found the pathway to the worlds within which I follow now to be with you,
Our days of shared joy on the earth were limited but our love is boundless and true -
I celebrate our time together as I walk in the heart knowing my joys you see,
You are over looking my shoulder and with delight you are laughing at me -
Each footfall of mine lands on carpets of flowers and beds of verdant mosses in green,
Yet there is no joy like the light of your love to which I continually fly from this dream -
Two swans with necks long and wings wide fly overhead in a landing pattern their excitement honking,
To this palace of limited perception and earthly delights I give thanks without further longing -
And the electric blue kingfisher flashes up river in his swiftness incandesently bright,
I daily prepare my soul to leave this earthly sensorium for our loves eternity of light -
As the sparrowhawk keehaas from somewhere up above,
To our quiet place I go now, to my heart, to our love -
art co anderrson
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