Friday, April 10, 2020

She Is Risen / Poem

A beautiful journey she has taken into the heavenly festival divine,
Like the rising sun her awakened spirit leaving body-death behind,
She is a spirit of love, light and joy, a higher vibration of her soul self,
So happy to be going home and meet friends who have gone on before,
So brave and cheerful as she set off to the infinite delight of evermore -

She includes me in her heart and thoughts in the here and the hereafter,
Without begining and without end and with much delightful laughter -

She comes to me in spirit now and asks do you see me, how do I seem?
She says I think about you all the time and I talk to you in your life's dream,
You give me so much love and devotion, do you feel me with your heart near?
She tells me It is helpful to be spiritually aware and to be of ever good cheer,
It is fantastic and more than incredible, it is astonishing here -

We can reach those to whom we are connected by the power of soul love,
We are forever united in delight and wonder across the beyond and above,
What a great happiness we are given and there is so very much more,
Your uplifted heart with love changes your awareness within you and before,
In tranquility you can now see everything sings a magnificent song of joy -

I feel her near and a beautiful sensation flows a river of healing into me,
Like a lantern at night, a church window at dawn, a secret sun glowing to see,
I am so happy, this is beyond wonderful, she is so alive to my heart knowing,
A love and joy so happy and free, I cannot wait to be with her in the eternity,
We will be together she says, but I must be patient until the crossing of ways -

I hear your hearts thoughts with compassion she says for in spirit we are one,
If only people would accept body-death means spirit-living on in the beyond,
All would know eternal life is a gift of joy and love's boundless blessing for hearts to correspond -

I cannot describe this happiness which is now so much greater,
Being at one with each other a deeper wave within me rises,
For love is the heart's consciousness activator -

As I become conscious and lighter the burdensome mind falls away,
Bliss overcomes me as her gentle and tender love enter my heart today,
Here in the eternal happiness of our unconditional love endlessly at play,
In this light you can see everything illumined by the heart from up above -
The great happiness overwhelms me of our forever love -


art co brigitte jost

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