If I had just left my body-life, left my beloved wife, the light of my heart, the love of my life,
I would want to talk to her desperately and this is what I would say...
Oh my most sweet dear beloved,
Now that I am on the other side of the veil outside of the illusion of matter,
I can see everything of the heart and the spirit so much more clearly without Earthly distraction -
Most of all I can see how very much, how truly and deeply you love me,
And I can see how much pain and sorrow grieving my body-death has caused you.
Oh my most wonderful one,
I want to wrap you in my tender love, enfold you in my spiritual peace and abiding calm,
I want to dry your tears my love and soothe your sobbing heart -
I want to ease your pain with the awareness that I love you more than everything,
That I am with you right now and I always will always be -
Oh my true Soul companion,
How sorry I am for the pain my body-death has caused you,
It was never my wish for you to walk your days without my love beside you,
Not for a day, nor an hour, not even a moment need you suffer any more,
Know that you will never be divided from my heart, my love will be with you evermore -
I am with you now, reading over you shoulder as you wonder,
I am beside you too as you relax and feeling my presence here you smile with gladness,
I am always near, sometimes just in the other room, the one that is above,
How eternally thankful I am for you and for our love -
I want to help you recognise my presence in all sorts of ways,
I raise rainbows in your sight to lift your spirit in wakefullness of my love for you,
I whisper into your heart that you may always hear my love song singing to your spirit,
I set my loving presence to reside in the temple of your beautiful heart that our love shall be ever strong -
I dance with delight in the air and in the light frequencies all around you,
I send the scent of our secret garden flowers to carry your heart into our gentle joy,
I create an energetic glow of love to protect you from your sad thoughts and from pain,
I come to you in your nightime dreaming when we laugh together again -
Our souls embrace in this wonder of our transdimensional love,
We fly on the wings of the divine to explore these spiritual realms together -
And I tell you again and again how much I adore and cherish you,
How very much I love you, every moment, breath and always -
I reassure you that despite it all everything will turn out to be alright,
Because our love is so beautiful we will be reunited when it is your time of light,
You have so much love and joy to share in the world before you can join me here,
Until then as you live in the presence of this moment the time between us will fly -
I am so happy with all the good things you have done and those that you are still doing,
I feel your love every time you raise your heart vibration by word, or poem or song -
Every thing you have done around the home to remain conscious of my presence is wonderful,
I want you to carry on with every confidence that I am your heavenly one and that I live forever in your heart -
I want you to know that we are never parted although in grief it may seem that way,
Yes I realise that you do know how the worldly senses perceive so very little,
Yet there is so much more in the spiritual realm than I could ever tell,
I want you to know that all is delight and love beyond knowing here -
But you must know that as you are a part of my soul you are always with me too,
Your time with me here is like the sweetest of dreams for you, but it is true -
When you you come to me in the fullness of now you will be awakened anew,
There is so much wonder, light and joy all about us now, I can hardly wait for you -
Here we serve the divine with absolute devotion bringing love and peace to all,
We wear light bodies for a form which are of a higher vibration than those we wore upon the Earth,
By inspiring hearts to hope and joy we nurture goodwill among the incarnate spirits,
We help each look within to find love's source and send it shining to the others -
We may choose to become guides and guardians for those that we love,
Or undertake missions of outreach to uplift any fallen further,
Time is meaningless here other than when we reach back to those upon the Earth,
All these bright begivings are expression of the heavenly blessings -
I am grateful that you have uplifted your spirit by choosing to look beyond the veil,
That you are always refocusing on our love which grows in spiritual strength daily -
I am grateful too for how you have made the children know that they share our home in your heart,
And that you can see this devotion reaching across the realms serves only to magnify our love -
That my parents know they are welcome with you as they cope in their own way,
That you found the Angel Cards with which you build a bridge to help hear my voice every day,
That you are reading and learning about the paths of each Soul after its time in the worldly life,
About the spirit realms of eternity and the Soul plans of love that we do follow -
Oh my gentlest love - my true hearts dove,
Thank you for raising totems of light to celebrate our love which is transcendent,
Thank you for opening new portals of love and understanding with which to reach me,
Thank you for forever finding new ways to perceive and to be with me,
I am so happy that you are my forever love -
* * * * * * * *
It seems my words here have been inspired from within,
from the very heart they sing -
from the very heart they sing -
I think my beloved would say something like this to me,
if I could but hear the words her love brings...
if I could but hear the words her love brings...
I think my dear one has found another way to talk to me today,
I think this is her letter of love to me given in this way -
art co brigitte jost
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