Such 'extra sensory' perceptions are often dismissed as wishfull thinking, or as emotional projection by which we find comfort in our loss. However these are not mind made illusions, but are the same heart centered loving perceptions that spiritual teachers have witnessed to throughout history. In our age of quantum science these spiritual awarenesses are also gaining credence in wider circles than just those of religious groups or new age explorers.
Like radio waves, spiritual information is constantly broadcast all around us, it's just a matter of learning how to look through our opened hearts to tune in to it. These are subtle perceptions, but once we begin to recognise them for what they are, they become more apparent despite their ethereal nature.
My thanks to Psychic Medium Rebecca Rosen for the following clarification of these extra senses, the Clair senses;
'' The Clair senses are types of psychic abilities that correspond with the five senses of seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling and tasting. (Claircognizance relates not so much to physical senses as to an intuitive knowing.)
Clairvoyance means clear seeing. This is when visions of past, present and future flash through our mind's eye, or our third eye, like a daydream. These seeings carry messages from our loved ones for us.
Clairaudience means clear hearing. This is the hearing of words, sounds or music sent by spirit but heard within our own mind.
Clairsentience means clear feeling. This is when we feel a persons spiritual presence, their physical sensations or their emotions.
Clairalience means clear smelling. This is being able to smell odors without a physical source, such as the perfume or cigarette smoke that a departed loved one may use to signal their presence.
Clairgustance means clear tasting. This is when we taste something that isn't actually there. This could occur when a loved one is attempting to evoke an association to remind us of them.
Claircognizance means clear knowing.
This is having a knowledge of people or of events that we would not normally know of. ''
Rebecca Rosen.
As we become more heart centred in our spiritual awareness then, our Clair senses can help us to perceive and communicate with our departed loved ones who are both here with us non physically and are simultaneously in the beyond realms of the spiritual dimensions.
In our case, a Clairsentience awareness of Wendy's presence near to and with me is our key factor. Also I experience a Clairvoyance that draws my sight through the physical realm to perceive her energy and love reaching across to me.
In addition to these perceptions, I recognise her interaction with the physical world as she brings her presence to my awareness. I respond with vocal or with 'silent' heart spoken replies and with the ongoing attunement of my spirit to her communications. I hope to write a bit more about these aspects soon.
The opened heart becomes a doorway then to the wider spiritual realms existing outside of this physical world. When it is my time to leave this realm I will pass through the spiritual heart doorway to continue our magical journey into the infinity of love together with my beloved. Until then, our hearts have opened previously unimaginable avenues to continue to share our love ❤️🙏
art co birgitte devata
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