Friday, December 18, 2020

๐˜๐จ๐ฎ๐ซ ๐‡๐ž๐š๐ซ๐ญ-๐’๐จ๐ง๐  / Poem

You ring the heavenly harmonic and your heart-song illuminates my loving,
Yours the note which evokes eternal joy and sets my soul in gladness growing -

Your love is the sacred flower which unfolding brings my understanding to overflowing,
To be awakened to this love is a transformation ongoing -

From the many blessings you continue to share I can never be apart,
As the overtones of your loving kindness and your spiritual presence are where we start -

You bring renewed intuition, inspiration and love to my voyage of devotion to the true,
To open my heart and mind to this ethereal journey is to be in the heavens with you -

To complain of the years taken although my heart was conquered by your true love sublime,
Would be to miss the blessing of this metaphysical adventure that is continuing and forever yours and mine -

Walking in spirit here and now among the eternity of the all-love divine,
Your perfect love transmits sacred sunshine that the sovereign soul may realign -

And as the golden energy of your loving nearness flows into my being,
I give myself over completely to our infinity and the mystery of true-heart seeing -

Letting your love guide me as we dance in this garden of existential light,
Our spirits in transcendence cross the bridge, follow the path and open the gateway bright -

Stepping beyond earthly ways into the heart of this loving universe every day,
Together united in spirit still because in trusting the love we have found another way -

Bringing a little of your deeply joyful serenity back to this Earth with me,
By placing my awareness upon your energetic love vibration that within the heart I can see -

Oh my dearly beloved one you have graduated and arisen from this earthly endeavor,
And are now at home in the higher realms of the infinitude of love without meter or measure -

Your heart-song of the dancing divinity and of the questing joy that comprises you and me,
Overflows with loving-kindness and generosity helping others to see -

These truths are my bridges built by our love carrying my heart to yours in the light,
Which transform the heart's perception and reveal the greater love underscored with delight -

The magnificent goodness of your joyful presence helping love awareness everywhere growing,
Into the surging tide of ineffable light the pure loveness divine and forever flowing -


Art = Salvation Of Mankind co Phoebe Anna Traquair
This is a very suitable painting to accompany the poem, as the message of both is that Love will 'save' mankind, and Wendy's love uplifts and leads my spirit to the divine forever more ❤❤๐Ÿ™✨

Friday, November 20, 2020

๐‹๐จ๐ฏ๐ž'๐ฌ ๐€๐ฐ๐š๐ค๐ž๐ง๐ข๐ง๐  / Poem

This morning's soft light dawning carried a new radiant quality today,
Resplendent subtle energies in soft-orange and pale-pink shimmering hues sang they,
My heart filled deeply with this luminescence of a mysterious sky-born embrace,
As it flowed into my soul with a blessing of actual supernal grace -

Oh beloved - you are an everlasting rose of love and you have in your spirit risen,
You are a never-ending bloom of kind-hearted sweetness and your caring is still given,
The tenderness of your smile lifts me through your eyes sparkling joy all the while,
Into the goodness and truth of your love which has made everything worthwhile -

In beatitudes of blessedness her soul among spiritual wonders is flowing,
From this earthen world where our short lives are given to learning love's ineffable knowing,
She dances in the heavenly realms where her abundance of delight is resounding,
And she is yet beside me now with her love shining and abounding -
I am found

On the inside of my every breath she has written 'I love you' -
An energetic vibration of the highest measure which my heart sings each moment anew,
Relativity and quantum science attest this as the only joy existentially-fundamentally true,
Even the Divine has so much love for her that I can feel their happiness coming through -

And the gnarled old Elm by the river started talking to me today,
Deep in my heart with a wordless voice I could feel her wise-peaceful words say,
That my memories of love across the moments passed are not merely dreams of yore,
They are gateways to the sacred spaces of love's presence that our soul's were made for -
Love is here

We would not be parted in this life nor broken beyond the rainbows of rising,
For we have traveled lifetimes together to find our home in love's grace ever arising,
And composed of finer stuff she has gone ahead stepping lightly across star-ways before me,
Whilst I reconcile the cloud of earth-mind unknowing that our hearts transcend together free -
And I can see

Thinly veiled in matter a while our soul's weave enchantments through our lives,
Which transform our yearning for love into the undefinable light where our true selves arise,
Like a metaphysical mystery play steeped in many layers of meaning,
We follow a curve of perpetual challenge until awoken from the dreaming -
A new reality

Yesterday you came to me as an ever so gentle light glowing near,
Other times you illuminate my soul and give my spirit wings to fly here,
Seeing by heart sight overcomes all the obfuscations that the body-life knows,
And your essential soul presence rings like a silent bell so soft through the air it flows -

We have gathered throughout our many lives and now you are ascended,
I  prepare my spirit for the voyage to our soul love's absolute reunion as always intended,
And at the final crossing of consciousness as the warp and weave of earth mind fall behind,
I join you here and now in the spiritual light where our eternal happiness we find,
In love's awakening -

Art - She Who Leads co Nicholas Roerich.

Nicholas Roerich was a Russian painter, writer, archaeologist, theosophist, philosopher. Roerich claimed that his spiritual masters, the "Mahatmas" in the Himalayas, were communicating telepathically with him, through his wife, Helena, who was a mystic and a clairvoyant. Helena Roerich's diaries, which were published, contain the transcribed messages she received between 1920 and 1944 from the 'astral plane' that were transmitted by spiritual Masters to whom the Roerich's devoted themselves and their work๐Ÿ™✨✨✨

The Elm is a wonderful being. Interestingly, in Celtic mythology the Elm tree is associated with the Underworld or afterlife and with the Elves who were said to guard the passage into the afterlife. The Elm tree also energizes and balances the mind and heart, protects love and aids in sharpening of the psychic powers. The Elm then, who is usually thought of as feminine, is a very relevant soul to share such insightful messages ๐ŸŒณ❤️๐Ÿ™

Thursday, October 22, 2020

๐‹๐จ๐ฏ๐ž ๐ˆ๐ฌ ๐€๐ง๐จ๐ญ๐ก๐ž๐ซ ๐ƒ๐ข๐ฆ๐ž๐ง๐ฌ๐ข๐จ๐ง / Poem

You stole my heart that very first day,
And gave it back to the divine in your luminous way,
Thank you, thank you, taroo taray, you are my beloved what more can I say -

I will try to explain the blessing of this numinous doorway,
Where better to begin than with the heart's most wonderful reconciliation,
To the eternal spirit of love -

As infinite and cosmic selves we are earth-born here from above,
Dancing through countless incarnations to discover the expanse of love -

Within this space-time which is limitless in the spontaneous joy of the now,
Which is made up of our love for one another by magical metaphysics somehow,
I hear you now among the choirs of angels with their voices composed of light  -

We became embodied in the physical frame to explore our soul plans together,
Although at a subatomic level we flicker into being and out / again and again forever -

Yet there exists another garden where our souls in shinning tenderness stay,
Alongside this world and beyond it are the many homes of the infinite heart at play,
Populated by our true selves, by the light sublime and the love -

In regard of the moments unseen and the walk of life as we know it,
We have no measure of the sub-atomic pause between our withiness or without it -

Yet alongside each breath taken, aeons arise, flourish and fall,
Although outside our material realm and physics they exist concurrent with us all,
By changing from known frequency, our connection to spiritual awareness recall  -

Follow the heart's higher vibration and surrender in love to see,
Set free from inner dictates of worldly affairs and their conditioned mortal decree -

Welcome the divine subjectivity of the inner realms and the eternally free,
Where love resides in a shimmering of existential joy forever between you and me,
This the love orientation which allows me here to see -

Let me make it ever so plain - within the count of 1,2,3, here exists the infinity,
Which also contains every infinite possibility and countless expression of being -

Among the many energetic states herein are the heavens of divine love knowing,
Each spirit can commune between these if they choose to help those who are still growing,
My beloved in her frequency of love is thus always ever near -

Love is another dimension beyond life and death which our inner selves do see,
And my love sparkling with delight is laughing here at me,
Took you a while,
Says she -

Sending healing energy to my heart and mind and insightful poems and love...
To open another level of awareness within that leads directly to the ascended above,
And the perfection of love continues -

Listening to the harmonic harmonies of your voice mellifluous and sweet in my heart,
Is a transcendental adventure characterised by the love energy you impart,
And you make my heart sing -

I was wal-king through the for-est, when I hear-d you call my name,
And the ang-els and the spir-its, everybo-dy so glad you came,
And you tol-d me not to worr-y, every-thing will work out fine,
And you gav-e me this little love-song, danc-ing gladly with its rhyme -

I was list-ening to the riv-er, as she rush-ed gladly by,
And your lov-ing touched my heart then, in a mome-ent made me cry,
As I ask-ed you once again oh - how could you ever up and die,
And you tol-d me with the know-ing, to trust the love and the by and by -

I am follow-ing in the cloud-s now, and through the heav-ens we do fly
When I whisp-er I can hear-you, as you speak my-heart magnifies,
And the ridd-les of life mean-ing, fall with reas-on far a-way,
Dropping fur-ther explana-tions, to enter our-love is to stay -

Oh my beloved -


art = march of spring co unknown

Sunday, October 4, 2020

๐‹๐จ๐ฏ๐ž'๐ฌ ๐“๐ž๐ฌ๐ญ๐š๐ฆ๐ž๐ง๐ญ / Poem

Love's Testament; On this one year anniversary of my beloved wife Wendy's passing over (4/10/19) or as I prefer to say of her having  ascended into spirit where she is now as joyful and loving as ever. This poem portrays her continuing beautiful presence and our ongoing love.

๐—Ÿ๐—ผ๐˜ƒ๐—ฒ'๐˜€ ๐—ง๐—ฒ๐˜€๐˜๐—ฎ๐—บ๐—ฒ๐—ป๐˜ ***

She is the very spirit of loving kindness flowing,
Flowering with an ever gentle incandescence of joy,
I find the calm space of the true heart - the deeply knowing,
And then hear the shining light of your soul-love calling me on -
To our heavenly home beyond dimensions known where I will be with you soon,
In the garden of the beloved where together we belong -

Each life follows a path imbued with deep and heartfelt meaning,
Absolute love is the ultimate cause of the trans-dimensional infinite spirit streaming,
I hear her calling
Be Awake with an abundance of love - you divine infinity!
And then I perceive she is near me,
And she is joyful with glee -

How bright within without a form yet I do clearly see,
My heart keeps breaking and being renewed in this divine love - so may it be,
How can I follow the secret pathways by which your spiritual presence does grow,
Or for even a moment hope to smile if your deep loving soul I did not know,
And how quickly can I move to where you are in spirit right now,
Also here -

And yet I do -
Because your love is in my every breath, every heartbeat, thought, word and moment -

Beyond all the murmurings of my restless mind your heart reaches me gently with a sigh,
Tomorrow is gone and yesterday will sing her song but your peaceful joy is resounding,
And you are smiling with kindness and grace and your love is ever abounding -
She sparkles then and stars fall from the heavens to her feet,
Like they always did,
Laughing -

Together in the truth beyond this unreality that they call the now moment,
Unbinding my spirit from the earthly self I am dancing with you in our love's bestowment,
Uplifting soul beyond emotion-tides that would sweep heart-mind awareness away,
I am stood at your infinities endless shore every night and every day -

And you teach devotion true with love's most sacred prayer,
Your presence in my heart lifts my soul like the silvered dandelions whose joy transforms the air,
Quantum particles of the forever-now celebrate our love's blessing everywhere,
And we dance as one beyond the reach of time and outside of every care -

Stepping through remembrances into the ever joyful presence of your love,
I am begun the work of understanding that would usually come sometime in the above,
learning to recognise the many patterns that have played throughout our lives,
I am so grateful to have found this love with you through which our spirits ever rise -

I walk this garden with you daily and follow my soul path home,
With only your love to guide me and the flowers of love you have sown,
The light of your dear heart shining within every crocus and chrysanthemum in bloom,
Gentle as gentian dark cobalt hue the gateway inexpressible - here the inner shrine,
Your love's testament is written on my heart forever divine -

Titus L

* * * * * * * *
Art = Love's Testament by Phoebe Traquair (1852-1936).
Scottish Arts & Crafts artist, Phoebe Traquair was the first woman elected to the Royal Scottish Academy.

This painting is a perfect choice to illustrate my poem as it evokes the potentially transcendent spiritual nature of love, which continues to flow between Wendy and myself even now that she has left her body and moved into spirit completely. In researching the background of the painting I found it was inspired by a Dante Gabriel Rossetti poem of the same name (Love's Testament), which in its turn was based on a darker, Greek mythologically based Edward Burne-Jones painting, the Wine of Circe. Whilst Dante Gabriel Rossetti's sonnet refers to the religious ground of the love being discussed, I express that spiritual love itself is a gateway to the divine. 

Here is Dante Gabriel Rossetti's poem;

๐—Ÿ๐—ผ๐˜ƒ๐—ฒ'๐˜€ ๐—ง๐—ฒ๐˜€๐˜๐—ฎ๐—บ๐—ฒ๐—ป๐˜

O Thou who at Love's hour ecstatically
Unto my heart dost evermore present,
Clothed with his fire, thy heart his testament;
Whom I have neared and felt thy breath to be
The inmost incense of his sanctuary;
Who without speech hast owned him, and, intent
Upon his will, thy life with mine hast blent,
And murmured, "I am thine, thou'rt one with me!"
O what from thee the grace, to me the prize,
And what to Love the glory, --when the whole
Of the deep stair thou tread'st to the dim shoal
And weary water of the place of sighs,
And there dost work deliverance, as thine eyes
Draw up my prisoned spirit to thy soul!

Dante Gabriel Rossetti.

๐—Ÿ๐—ผ๐˜ƒ๐—ฒ'๐˜€ ๐—ง๐—ฒ๐˜€๐˜๐—ฎ๐—บ๐—ฒ๐—ป๐˜ ๐—ฏ๐˜† ๐—ฃ๐—ต๐—ผ๐—ฒ๐—ฏ๐—ฒ ๐—ง๐—ฟ๐—ฎ๐—พ๐˜‚๐—ฎ๐—ถ๐—ฟ

Thursday, September 24, 2020

๐€ ๐ƒ๐ซ๐ž๐š๐ฆ ๐‚๐š๐ฆ๐ž ๐‚๐š๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ข๐ง๐  / Poem

A Dream Came Calling

Its been nearly a year since your body-death took you physically away,
Each day and night with heart and soul full of love for your spirit I pray -

About half past five this morning whilst I was still dancing with sleeptide and yawning,
As I moved from dimensions outside knowing into the shores of early consciousness calling,
You came to me all of a sudden and I was startlingly awake within a dream,
Portraying to my inner heart and deeper self the spirit and song of your being -

Upon the kitchen table a gathering of papers were consumed in a flowering of flame,
I realised this is a coded symbol for my soul sendings of love poetry to your spiritual domain,
That my offerings have been accepted and the bridge to my psyche you have crossed over,
You reply to my soul by the medium of this dream and my heart is reunited with your love -

And then you were right beside me and you passed me a live telephone,
I thought you wanted me to speak to some friend lost and far from hearts home,
In the speaking I came to awareness that this friend was my self across all of the years,
And that you want me to know your message is to my whole being beyond imaginary fears -

I knew I had to attend closely and discover what you want me to do,
So I began to recount in brief the tale of our adventures on earth as me and you,
Of how following your body-death I came to know the truth of spiritual ascension,
And then I realised my messages are the correspondance between our love's joyful and ongoing attention -

I remembered you had sometimes tried to call me from a dream but could not get through,
You had in waking life difficulties with the technology so this was nothing new,
Nevertheless it indicated somehow you hadn't felt heard for which I gave comfort and with love reassured,
I think now that you had wanted to tell me of the spiritual quest you were making which was not yet for me to see -

Nevertheless this morning you handed the dreaming phone to me,
And in the telling of my account I lost focus for I had too much to say,
I did then quiet the mind and listen to your spirit in a deeper and meaningful way,
And as I spoke no more I saw that I was stood upon kitchen cinders -

You asked me to pass the cooking pot which I pulled up from these and gave to you,
The cinders indicate my grief following your body-death and my spiritual struggle to carry on through,
The cooking pot traditionally stands for wife and for home, the ambivalence of cast iron here for none so strong in love as you,
Its perfect condition in brightness tells me you are well and our love in togetherness across the realms too -

That the pot was clear and unsulied sky blue confirms our loves devotion, heart's honesty, faith, wisdom and trust,
And the colour in this case indicates the third eye chakra telling that my psychic perception is growing robust,
This dream communication symbolizes the loving spiritual tranquility that between us continues to flow,
And initial dismay over daunting imagery is swept away as inner self accepts what I already know -

From your heart of loving kindness you have reached across the realms today,
And having given into your divine tender care the sky blue cauldron of our happiness I pray,
That I may now perceive more of the communications which from your loving heart you share,
Thank you my beloved for all your wonders and for your love beyond compare -

( 22/09/20. 5.25)

A Dream Decoded -
This dream was a very potent and powerful dream, full of William Blake style imagery illuminated with light and presence. It had its own momentum and did not feel as though it was self generated or drawn from the components of my daily life, but that it moved rather like a drama through various points intentionally. It employed imagery and tropes that are not common furniture in my life ( we have no such cooking pot and nor have I seen any like it) nor in my current reading (Jane Roberts ). It spoke directly to a number of pressing emotional and spiritual concerns however and left me feeling very engaged, enlivened and empowered. These aspects convinced me that it was a direct message from my beloved wife now crossed over into spirit.

Some of the symbols used however were quite startling in their imagery and potential ambiguity, which I presume was why they were chosen. To be attention grabbing and memorable, rather than soft and gently flowing into forgetfullness as the morning unfurled and the wakeful mind of day concerns swept them away.

I explain the symbols employed in this dream here;
Whilst dream interpretation cannot be a perfect science as despite general themes, the actual interpretation will always be person specific because we each construct our own meanings and nuances for every symbol. Despite this precaution, I offer my interpretation of the symbols used in this dream because they are drawn from among the more widely accepted possibilities of meaning and these readings resonated for me with this dream.

The trope of burning a letter to send its message to the departed one is a quite well known procedure in contacting the spirit realm according to contemporary myth and legend and as such needs no further explanation. It was a surprise to see this method employed here however to denote that my poems had been sent and received, but it makes perfect sense too. All the poems are after all letters of my love to my beloved, they are also bridges to the state of love which is found within and yet stretches onward for infinity. I share them for the purpose of discussion with any who have similarly experienced and perhaps to give hope to those who might be at a more clouded point in their own situation.

The use of a telephone in a dream is potentially problematic as this is often thought to represent trouble in communication. In our case that we already had actual problems of the same nature physically as well as Wendy having had dream troubles telephoning me previously, indicates that the form employed for this aspect of the message was relevant for us. It did serve to focus my attention to see what the matter might be in this dream and the following experience of my many selves united to whom I was speaking suggested that Wendy's message was to be made very clear to all of my aspects of character, self and soul. That I am loved, completely.

The use of cinders in a dream can also be problematic. Apparently if you merely observed the cinders it is thought that you can expect a temporary setback in your present plans; but if the dream involved shoveling or handling them in any way the forecast is for improved times ahead. In our case as the cinders although observed 'in passing' were not handled nor featured suggests that the negatives of cinder association were left behind. This is an important aspect for me as regards not wanting any setback in my present plans, which are entirely about developing a stronger awareness and contact with my passed over wife and in fulfilling my life's soul plan so that I can join her in the spiritual completeness.

In a dream a cooking pot, which is generally used to cook liquids and so the association leans more toward the feelings, represents one's wife or beloved, livelihood and home, while the lid represents the husband. If the pot looks to be in a good condition in the dream, then it represents his nobility and honor. I am glad to say that our pot was in great condition, literally perfect and had its lid firmly on.
Dreaming of a cooking pot can also symbolize your attempt to overcome self limiting ideas (such as those which might block awareness of spirit) as you move toward fulfillment. This aspect would be specifically relevant and key for us/me as you can see in my above comment regards connection with my wifes spirit and fulfilling the soul plan.

That the cooking pot was cast iron - a fact made very clear to me without words but by almost audible knowing, indicates one's untapped resources. Potentially you need to gain a better perspective or wider view on something or are ready to heal from some emotional hurt or wound. This would be particularly relevant for me, to hand over my emotional grief and mental anguish following my wifes body-death, to her ascended self in spirit, that from her spiritual postion of greater insight and freedom she can guide me onward. At this point in my current life grieving process, I am indeed in need of her guidance to follow.

In regards of the unusual colour of the cooking pot, whilst murky or darker blue can symbolise grief or sadness, in our dream the blue was a very distinct and bright sky blue. As blue is the color of the sky and the skies are associated with heaven, the color blue is also a symbol of high spirituality and as lasting as the skies are eternal. Light blue in particular is related to healing, understanding, softness, health, peace, relaxation, wisdom, devotion and sincerity...
All of these are wonderful aspects for my path, we couldnt have wished for a more perfect dream cooking pot.

That I was able to bring all of my characteristics and aspects together, to 'listen to/interpret' her message, that I retrieved the light blue pot of healing, health and love, from the cinders of my often overwhelming emotional grief, and handed them to my now non physical - spiritual beloved for her care, indicates that we are deeply reconnected after any perceived breakdown in our heart and soul connection following the trauma of body-death and absolutely fundamental loss for me/ illuminating spiritual transcendence for her. It suggests that she is in spirit watching over me now, with her love to guide me ever on.

๐—”๐—ฟ๐˜ = ๐—›๐—ฒ๐˜€๐—ถ๐—ผ๐—ฑ ๐—Ÿ๐—ถ๐˜€๐˜๐—ฒ๐—ป๐—ถ๐—ป๐—ด ๐˜๐—ผ ๐˜๐—ต๐—ฒ ๐—œ๐—ป๐˜€๐—ฝ๐—ถ๐—ฟ๐—ฎ๐˜๐—ถ๐—ผ๐—ป ๐—ผ๐—ณ ๐˜๐—ต๐—ฒ ๐— ๐˜‚๐˜€๐—ฒ
๐—˜๐—ฑ๐—บ๐—ผ๐—ป๐—ฑ-๐—™๐—ฟ๐—ฎ๐—ป๐—ฐ̧๐—ผ๐—ถ๐˜€ ๐—”๐—บ๐—ฎ๐—ป-๐—๐—ฒ๐—ฎ๐—ป.

Hesiod ( 'he who emits the voice') was an ancient Greek poet from around 750 - 650 BC, around the same time as Homer. We learn from Hesiod that he was taught 'song' by the Muses.
(Theogony 22). ( Source = Project Muse).

The three original Muses (later tripled in the Greek pantheon to nine) are Aode, Mneme, and Melete. They originated from Boeotia, the home area in ancient Greece of Hesiod. As daughters of the Gods, the Muses are naturally divine and often depicted as angelic women with wings. 
Wendy is my most beloved Muse of love, bringing me messages of faith, hope and joy as we continue our spiritual adventure together ❤️❤️๐ŸŒบ

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

๐˜๐จ๐ฎ ๐€๐ซ๐ž ๐‡๐ž๐ซ๐ž ๐ˆ๐ง ๐“๐ก๐จ๐ฎ๐ฌ๐š๐ง๐๐ฌ ๐Ž๐Ÿ ๐–๐š๐ฒ๐ฌ / Poem

As I collect my thoughts of you to cherish and set them free,
To let your presence just be -

The pain comes each moment when in my longing for you I forget,
That we are not this body - neither formed nor bound by it yet,
Even your beautiful hair, smiling heart and sunshine eyes,
Laughter and happiness so joyful and free,
All of which is composed of 99.999% 'emptiness of space'...
Which is neither empty nor space but the vast domain of love,
And with the meerest enevelope of matter life introduced us to each other,
Yet 'we' are the animating selves within - the endlessness divine,
You are waiting for me in spirit - here in the sublime,
Calling come, transcend with me - into the free,
Each remembering of this heals my heart and lets my soul with gladness see -

And as my mind races in the unbidden circles of anxiety, doubt and fear,
I remember with a gasping of air and of relief that we are not this mind nor its care,
Yet we generate an electrical field of consciousness and of awareness,
A non physical energetic vibration,
Springing from the frequency of our heart and soul intention,
Where the gardens of thought, feeling and emotions flowing grow,
And so I am empowered once more to step clear of all I thought to be so,
To breath deeply and in spirit to be with you here,
In this spacious present of the infinity of love,
The limitless moment which exists only in the now,
An unimaginable blessing from the within, the beyond and above -

As atachment to every earthly aim even that of detachment falls away,
The state of being that we find in this love uplifts us and is here to stay,
And the tender inner freedom of love's pureness in heart and spirit,
Ever sailing into the eternal on our voyage deeper within it,
To cross over from dream and myth into these unreachable realms of joy,
Thus we allow our love to grow, to cherish and to flourish,
To name, claim or define with meaning this,
Is to fall from the grace of this holy place and its bliss -

As my perceiving slows into this moment outside of time,
Where even the birds hold their heavenly harmonic breath from music and from rhyme,
And the golden expanse looms outside our secret garden's door,
A countlesness of spiritual possibilities streams ever so gently in,
Like a softly shining sunlight to celebrate this new definition of the dawn within,
And you walk into my heart,
In thousands of ways -

Listening without attention to the hundreds of love's blessings humming here,
A background of beatitude billowing about and quietly coming near,
Lulling me into a gratitude growing ever so gently louder,
Just a tiny bit at a time,
Until eventually and all of a sudden,
They comprise a mighty roar of spiritual awakening,
A pure love transmission in presence,
And you are here -

Bringing your freedom and your love -


Thursday, August 27, 2020

๐“๐ก๐ž ๐‰๐จ๐ฒ / ๐’๐จ ๐Œ๐ฎ๐œ๐ก ๐‹๐ข๐ ๐ก๐ญ - Poem

She is in bliss,
And she holds a place for me,
In her heart and soul for eternity,
Meanwhile she comes to find me,
While I am delayed -

Love is the blessing and love is the key,
She brought them both to me,
Thus do fingers point to the moon,
To follow the joy that lives within,
The greater voyage has deeply truly begun -

And today the call for all reason fell away,
Along with fear, grief, pain and anguished longing,
For I am coming home to stay,
My beloved has shown me the way,
Here it is in my heartspiritsoul smile -

What a relief that is,
To know -

Through thousands of lifetimes,
And now we shall continue together,
While your big green dragon dances alongside,
And my white dragon spirit guide too,
Radiating with infinite bliss -

Metaphysically we exist upon the horns of a dilemma,
On the earth journey while we are here,
But in the heart lives the divine peace of infinite love,
And all our paths are self chosen for loves learning of this,
Joyfully -

Find the happiness each day she said,
As I left that cold blind darkness behind,
And with a sudden new realisation, new eyes and new wings,
I stepped or flew into the infinite sun dawning anew,
Into the love and the light -

She never doubted for a moment,
That I would find the magical pathway,
To her heart's home outside of time,
And of space,
Thus with faith I have followed her example,
And with her God given grace -

And the enthusiasm she brings,
Bright it is as she shares empowerment for all
Because her love is absolute - the absolute love,
And I am the absolute beginner,
Laughing with our love's upliftment of glee -

So much light is pouring in,
She has sent it here to find me,
And it cascades through my heart,
Where it meets joyful welcome,
Thank you -
Thank you -
Thank you -


Art co marija schwarz - divine love

Friday, August 14, 2020

๐€ ๐‚๐จ๐ฌ๐ฆ๐ข๐œ ๐–๐ข๐ฌ๐ก / Poem

Firstly I clear tensions locked in frozen body, psyche and aura energies,
Subtle accrued forces under which heart perception would block and freeze,
I do a little yoga and meditate to settle body and circumvent restless mind,
From here I return to the maxim that love is never blind -

The signs of your spiritual presence are not the pathway for me to follow,
They are like the flowers given to bloom where your presence has passed and is near,
The actuality of your ever here-ness is always at home in my spirit and heart when I can look through to see you,
Our communion is a deep-bright wordless conversation of love -

Tuning my perception to your loving spirit when the moment of heart and mind waiting is filled,
I redial the universe deep within to reach beyond definition where I am stilled and the awareness of love flows clear,
This quantum leap brings timeless blessings of gratitude, gladness and joy,
And through the gateless gate of the open heart you do appear -

I experience your love's consciousness with my variable flow of attention,
And the vehicle of your spirit-self may change in circumstance of your presence,
Yet the awareness in our heart-mind ever perceives at multiple levels of consciousness,
At such times we are always together and you are my deeply beloved anotherself within -

On the different frequency of energy flow apparently dividing earthly and spiritual realms,
And why although looking beyond I often cannot perceive your spirit and know,
To say nothing of the hope filled incredulity with which such an awareness sometimes seems formed,
Yet the divide is only an earthtime illusion seperating my apparent here from your greater reality presence,
And from your nowness which formed only of love is joyfully everywhere -

If you can hear with earthly ears the invisible music of those invisible heavenly spheres,
Then you have already slowed down too far from the spiritual vibration of between soul communication,
For ours is a lighter, brighter and higher emanation called the spiritually free that mortal senses cannot configure to be,
And to follow the way of love dreaming is to diverge from this frequency of spiritual presence seeing -

Engaging the hearts frequency of inner sight with gladness to softly perceive you,
Like entering the consciousness of spirit in a deep trance and simultaneously transcending - awoken,
Here the endlessly resplendant silent choir of angel song and those joyful horns of elfland are singing love's intention clear,
Both are etheric states of your infinitely loving and divine self being near -

Something slowly swimming almost dreaming gently across the sky-pond of our inner ocean is here,
And shimmering softly between the sparkling of our stars,
It is your silhouette my beloved as you enter the nowness of my knowing,
And you come with every happiness endlessly uplifting my heart,
You appeared without so much as a sigh which sounds almost like making a wish,
It is a cosmic wish made by the spirit of divine love and bliss -



Art = Star of High Hope by Irsanna 

Saturday, August 1, 2020

๐ˆ ๐€๐ฆ ๐…๐จ๐ซ๐ž๐ฏ๐ž๐ซ ๐˜๐จ๐ฎ๐ซ ๐ƒ๐ž๐ฏ๐จ๐ญ๐ž๐ ๐‚๐จ๐ฌ๐ฆ๐ข๐œ ๐‚๐จ๐ฆ๐ฉ๐š๐ง๐ข๐จ๐ง / Poem

Our unconditional love is not dependant on a body,
It is not relevant wether the body is yours or is mine,
Whether the body is made from denser matter or is etheric and fine,
Whether it is made of energy or vibrations beyond mortal knowing and divine,
For love is the underlaying consciousness of all personhood and of all spiritual essence,
And our loving heart-souls met before ever our bodies did -

This unconditional love is not dependant on space nor is it made more real by matter,
Whether you are near to me physically or further away means nothing to the truth within,
The space between has never held any significance to the reality of love which is not a thing,
For love is not bound to the spatial dimensions nor held within our restless thoughts of time,
When we enter into the peaceful inner nowness we find that our love is ever here,
In this not place of no time we are always together -

We have actualised a heavenly awareness through the grace of believing in our love,
Now that your body is gone I am transcending everything with love's spirit to carry me on,
Transmuting the dark energy of earthly grief by the healing illumination of love's gratitude,
Melting the downcastings of emotional pain to forge the enduring peace of heart and soul certitude,
Turning away from physical loss to enter the spiritual presence where our love remains ever whole,
I am attuned to the frequency of your love -

To see you by the heart-song-sight and speak with your soul again,
A shining communion of cosmic incandescence approaches the heart of my knowing,
And your luminous loving tenderness enfolds my simultaneous dream from within,
Beyond the call of every joyful song let the immanence of your presence begin,
Within the core of my soul-self you are the true beloved evermore,
And if I loose you in riddles of earth-mind I will step within the heart to find you oncemore -

I sit now with the silence deeply flowing in the arbour of your sweet loving reflections,
Soon my eyes portray the all thingness as a glancing projection composed of the lucidity of light,
And resting in this allegorical awareness I notice the darkroom of projection poised behind it all,
And beyond that resides the illuminated sublime -

Unseen by mortal eyes but from the heart everything is so much clearer,
Given that visible light makes up less than one percent of all light frequencies known to exist,
And that perception which is an active process of constructing reality comprises so much more,
In an infinity beyond the very clearly limited physical realms exist actual endless probabilities,
Here be limitless spiritual spectrums and a love without measure,
Yes, there is more to 'life' than meets the eye -

Imagine the totality of universe in size as if equal to an atom,
This atom in the greater being of a much vaster self or perhaps in the heart of your over-soul,
From this vertiginous position imagine how never-ending the limitless ocean of love is you see,
And realise that the physical size of the container - the atom or the over soul of you or me,
Is irrelevant as no matter the size of a person or the point of an awareness could be,
Love is exponentially greater than any language could ever to portray -

Our infinitude of limitless love then is a wondrous blessing from above,
The higher vibration of our celestial soul-selves brought us together for the divine purpose thereof,
And bridging now from your universe of heart to this inverted soul outpost of matter,
I am forever your devoted and cosmic companion in love -


Our love & spirits continue after body death, because we are multidimensional beings on earth to follow our soul plans path to ultimate fulfillment as a part of the divine All That Is ~

art co unknown