Thursday, January 23, 2020

The Rose / Poem

The Rose;

'We create our reality by thought and intention'.
Say the new age teachers, gurus and mystics -
But sometimes that seems a harsh circumvention,
There's so many in need of love and compassion.
However it is not I who conceive of endless war -
The phrase refers to our own life orientation, nothing more.

If I find difficulties they stem from my choices.
Yet the modern world shows us only confusion -
While senseless demands allow no time for reflection,
And causality holds us accountable by collusion.

Cultural aspects do not unify or cohere,
Yet we can choose to live in love's ideal -
I therefore share a circumspect view,
We may positively charge our spirits, but not everything.

Cancer took the body of my wife -
She was fit, ate healthily, excercised well,
We lived simply, in joy without strife -

If it had been found a few years before
We could perhaps have repelled it.
But stage 4 terminal cancer was a life ending sentence -

Maybe radiation, environmental or food issues intervening -
A cultural lack of due screening.
In perfect health we did not seek out countless disorders,
To live so would be on neurosis bleak borders.

This situation does not make us a victim, quite the reverse -
For in accepting 'the world as it is' we are spiritually freed its toll, to traverse..

I have heard people say - they brought ill health on themselves..
To declare our circumstance a consequence thus
Is an ignorance we must replace with understanding.

Some might say God or Karma decided this way -
Or the sins of the father as inherited ailments can be a thing.
But to conceive the divine so cruel is an unlikely downswing.
For the divine nurtures all with unconditional absolute love..

My beloved was well balanced and at peace with the world,
Overflowing with love and with joy -
She still is such a bright soul and carries on just the same,
Although no longer with a physical body to deploy

Within the remarkable unfoldments of our time on this Earth,
Our choices do influence our lives directly -
Spirit, heart-mind and outlook are so deeply connected.

Keeping open to the light despite trials direct or obscure,
Leads us to a place outside of everything where our love does endure.
It's who we really are.

© TitusL

art co brigitte jost


This poem adresess the concern I have felt when some spiritual authors and speakers state that we are responsible for everything that happens to us. Clearly we are not.

Whilst I do share the belief that we are to a large extent masters of our own life/spirit voyage through the choices we make and our outlook, but we also must accept that other factors will intervene on our journey and that they do overturn our lives. To deny this is in my view a form of existential torment that does not speak of compassion or understanding at all. The fact that these situations visit us does not mean that we have failed in our 'walk with God' or in living positive lives. If anything, these are the circumstances which try and proove us, for we can throughout our troubles still choose to walk our path with love as our guide.

I am finding the new circumstances of living with Wendy's loving presence but without her physical one, to leave me no alternative than devote myself to a life focused in spirit. On this walk I hope to share some uplifting outlooks when I can xx

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